This December | Thirteen

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You and Hunter stood hand in hand while the Principal called the winners. "Runnerup is...Amber Clark and Brandon Brown!"

The crowd cheered as they came up to the stage. They smirked before bowing down. The principal looked at the paper. "Now get ready for the winner of the annual talent show! The winner is..."

You smiled at Hunter, squeezing his hand. He squeezed back.

"Y/n Pines and Hunter Noceda." 

You both rushed up the stage and said "Thank you!" 

Everyone played music after the talent show to celebrate the two of you winning.

You and your friends hung out by the snack table. Hunter picked up the pudding cup taking the spoon out of it before licking it.

"This is good." Hunter said. 

You laughed. "Is it? Let me try," 

Hunter scooped part of the pudding before spooning it in you mouth. Luz shook Vee's arm as they squealed, "Awww! They're doing couple things!"

You flushed and Hunter grabbed your hand, lacing it with his.

After a twenty minutes of laughing and having fun, Luz saw something outside the doors and paused. "I'll be right back," She said.

You smiled as Hunter kept spooning the dessert in your mouth, occasionally eating some himself. "Okay, Luz! Hunter- not yet!" You protest. "Now there's pudding on my cheek!-" 

You turned your head and watched her go.

A minute later, she rushed back in and said, "Hunter, Willow, Gus, can I talk to you alone?"

"Yeah, I'll be right back, Y/n," Hunter said. 

You started to check out the food on the snack table. "Okay! See you later!"

You didn't notice Luz shook her head and he widen his eyes. He looked at you. You looked happy, and the look Luz gave him meant he wasn't coming back for a long time. 

"Y/n?" He said touching your shoulder. 

You looked at him. "Hm?"

He kissed you softly. "I'll see you, okay?"

Your face heated up as you nodded. "Okay! We should try going on dates when we get to Japan, okay? Just me and you sometimes!"

He looked sad for some reason. Hunter managed a smile, "Yeah, of course."

He gave you a hug before pulling away. "I-I'll be right back!"

Luz pulled him. Willow and Gus followed, leaving you alone with Vee. You smiled at her. "I wonder what that was about," You chuckled.

Vee looked mad, but there was also sadness in her eyes. She couldn't understand. Why didn't Hunter tell you that he was going back through the portal tonight with Luz, Gus, and Willow?

It didn't feel right that you didn't know you'd probably never see Hunter again. Or at least for a long time. 

Vee looked at you. "You...You don't know?"

You tilted your head confused. "Uh, no? What did I miss?" You asked worriedly. 

She looked at the punch bowl. "Last night...Luz, Willow, and Hunter got a warning from a reflection. Kind of like when Luz first met me...and, well, it was Eda. She told them that portal will be open for 20 seconds tonight..."

Vee looked at you. "The portal opened...Hunter's leaving, Y/n..."

You dropped the pudding cup that Hunter passed to you before leaving. "...What?"

You looked at the doors quickly, tears springing to your eyes. You ran toward the doors, ignoring Vee's calls. 

Your feet stomped through the hall as you ran. Vee's probably wrong!  You thought. Hunter wouldn't leave without telling me!"

You ran faster. He's my best friend, and tonight, now boyfriend! He'd tell me!"

You stopped and looked outside. You saw Luz jump in a yellowish portal, Gus and Willow following. 

Hunter was left. He looked back the school. He didn't see you. Hunter looked back at the portal before jumping in.

The portal stays for 20 seconds. You rushed outside, staring at the strange portal. 

Vee came running out. "Wait! Y/n- Think about it!" She called. "You promised Hunter you'd stay! You promised!"

She breathed hard like her chest hurt from running. "Think about it, Y/n, you go through that portal and everything in your life changes!" 

"Hunter didn't tell me!" You said, tears falling. "He lied to me, saying he'll be back! He said it as if he was just going to the bathroom or something! But really, he's leaving for who knows how long?" Your voice shook as you said, "I thought I'd be ready to say goodbye but...I can't! I'm so happy with Hunter..."

"I know, you must be sad, but the moment you enter that portal, your safety is not promised !" Vee said, desperate. 

Your tears fell as you looked at the portal, which was starting to flicker. You looked at Vee. 

"I'm sorry..." You said, your voice wavering. 

You stepped back and fell into the portal. 

Vee screamed, "No!" She ran toward it but it flickered and it was gone.

End of Book One

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