This December | Two

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Y/n's house \ 1 hour later

"Wha- Hunter, the plates don't go there," You said when he was going to put it in the pantry. "They go there," You pointed at the cabinet across the kitchen.

"Oh-," He said. "My bad." He put the plates in the cabinet and looked at you. "Is that all you needed help with?" 

You thought for a minute, wiping off your hands. "Uh, yeah, actually." You said. "Wanna stay here and do homework?" 

He looked at you quickly. "Sure, let me call Luz-" He pulled out his phone and you caught a glimpse of his case. 

It had a drawn alien on it that said Humans aren't real. You laughed and said, "Hunter, your case is so cute!"

He flipped his phone around. "Huh? Oh, thanks. Luz made it for me." He said smiling a little. "She and Vee have matching cases for something called Pooh and Tigger." 

You grinned "That's so cool!" You said. You watched over his shoulder as he text Luz.

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Hunter put his phone away. "Sorry, she's weird." He muttered. "But she said it was fine, so it should be fine."

You smiled. "It's cool. What do you have to work on?" You asked grabbing both your bags and sitting at the kitchen table. 

He grabbed his. "Biology." He said simply, sitting in the chair next to yours.

You groaned. "Ughh, I have geometry," You said. You held up a packet your teacher assigned.

"Do you struggle with it?" He asked.

"Nope! Not to toot my own horn but, heh heh, I'm the top of my class," You said brushing invisible dust off your shoulders. "I just don't like it, it's boring." 

"I actually like biology," Hunter said glancing at his paper he got out the bag. "It's very interesting learning about the  biomes and animals..."

"Nerd," You said playfully. 

"Teacher's Pet," He shot back.

You feigned an offended gasp. "You take that back!" You said pointing at him. 

"No!" He grinned. 

Empty kitchen | 2 hours later

Where are you and Hunter, you wonder? Both of you were in your bedroom playing minecraft, the homework on the kitchen table abandoned.

You lie stomach face down at the end of your bed, and Hunter sat on the floor in front of it. Your spotify playlist blasted from your speakers and you both scream-sang the lyrics as you both searched for a village. 

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 [𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now