This December | Seven

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"Have you ever kissed someone before?" You had asked Hunter.

He flushed. " thousand???" He said.

You blinked. "O-Oh...Who?"

"THeY gO to different schools, you don't know them!" He said quickly. He looked at you, flustered.

You laughed, "What schools?"

"You don't know the schools, they all blew up!" He blurted out and mentally facepalmed.

 You scooted closer to him on the bed. You leaned in slightly. His face turned pink. "Should we kiss?"

He froze, and he gulped before saying...


You're laughing lightly and he closed his eyes. "I-I'm sorry...I got nervous..." He took a deep breath.

He leaned forward, the space between you growing smaller...Your lips were an inch away and-



Hunters eyes snapped open and he was staring at the ceiling of his room. What the...



Hunter hit his fist on the alarm, silencing it. What was up with that dream... He sat up. Hunter wasn't sure how to react to that.

"LUZ, THIS IS YOUR FAULT-" He yelled across the room. Luz looked up, pausing from putting her shoes on. 

She sat on her bottom bunk of the bunk bed. "What'd I do?!" She said offended.

"You planted that kissing idea in my mind and I had the weirdest fucking dream!" He snapped.

She looked up a Vee, who sat on the top of the bunk bed, before looking at Hunter. "W-WHa? What kissing idea?!"

"From yesterday when you told me to pin Y/n to the bed and say our love was forbidden and- and they had to say they loved me and we were supposed to ki...KISS!"

"I WASN'T SERIOUS!" She froze and leaning forward. "Did...Did you guys kiss?! For real?!"

Hunter facepalmed. "NO! WE DIDN'T!"

She frowned. "Then why are you freaking out?"

Vee leaned against the bar that kept her from falling of the bunk bed. "Luz, I think he meant he dreamed they kissed because you told them to in real life," She explained. 

"Ohhh," Luz said. 


Hunter stood. "Yes! Because of what you said! I don't know how to process that!" He snapped at her. Luz burst out laughing. 

Vee narrowed her eyes looking down at her. "Luz!" She scolded.

Luz giggled wiping her tear. "Well, did you like it?" She grinned. Hunter grabbed a shirt from a drawer. 

He glared at her. "Obviously not!" He said. He slipped of his bed shirt and swiped some deodorant on. "I mean, Y/n is third closest friend! Why would I like kissing  them?"

He pulled his clean shirt over his head.

"I mean...yeah, Y/n is cool, and even decently attractive." He said even though Luz and Vee didn't say anything.

He looked at them. "It's not like we'd work out anyway if we were" Hunter motioned to his pointed ears. "They'd probably find me repulsive if they found out about me being a witch. Even if not, they'd laugh at me for being powerless!"

Luz glanced at Vee. "Hunter, I'm human and Amity liked me! I'm sure Y/n-" 

Hunter laughed without humor. "Because what's not to like." He looked at Luz. "You're like...the nicest selfless person I met. You've helped people. I hurt them..."

He went in the bathroom in the room to slip on pants. He came out a minute later. "Y/n deserves someone like you, and even Vee. Not someone like me."

"If I were interested," Hunter added quickly. He put on his socks and shoes. "Besides, it's not like we're staying long right?" He looked at Luz. "We have  to get back to save Amity from Belos."

Luz nodded looking down. 

"Even if I like Y/n," Hunter continued. "We'd have to leave. Who knows when we'd be back?"

Luz sighed. "You have a point."

"That's why I can't afford to have a crush on them...I'd have to say goodbye."

Vee looked at him. "Won't you have to say goodbye as a friend though?" She asked.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't hurt as much because we weren't dating. We were just friends."

" can be hard cause you love them romantically. You want to protect them and always be by their side. And when they leave, it hurts so can losing a friend but me and Y/n aren't like that...I think." He hesitated. "We mostly just hang out, and stuff."

Luz laughed. "I understand Hunter." she said.

"Yeah," He looked down at his headphones. "I'd rather not hurt them like that." Hunter looked at the two. "Ready?"

They nodded and Hunter slipped on his headphones, hiding his pointed ears. "Let's meet up with Y/n and your friends."

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