This December | Three

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|One Week Later: Monday

|Sidewalk by Y/n's House

"Alright guys, the teachers have announced we're having a school TALENT SHOW in two months!" Luz said excitedly. "Soooo, we should all join!"

You went through your bag. "I don't know, Luz, what would we even do?" You asked, looking for your homework. "Ugh, Hunter, did you accidentally take my homework when you came over yesterday?" 

Hunter came over a lot more since last week to hang out with you, help you with chores, or just do homework.

Luz seemed surprised that her idea worked because now you and Hunter were closer than you and her, or you and Vee.

You both hung out together more than her or Vee.

Luz was happy Hunter found someone to befriend than him hanging around Luz or Vee at school. 

They all knew about...Hunter and Vee's old home. Luz felt Hunter should have at least one human friend that wasn't her.

Vee has a ton of high school human friends she hangs out with, so Luz wasn't worried. Gus was popular in school, and Willow hung out with the smart kids, and Luz? She hung out with you. You were her one human friend she needed.

Hunter looked up from his phone. "Oh, uh, lemme check." He slid the bag off his back and went through it. He pulled out a paper and laughed a little. "Yeah, I did,"

You took the paper out and scowled at him, he grinned. "Hunter, you nearly killed me! Because Mr. Timpear would have killed me if I didn't turn this in."

You glanced at the paper again. "Did you do my homework?" You asked looking at him. "I can't afford getting into trouble! I'm his favorite!"

"Teacher's Pet~" He sang. 

You slapped the back of his head. "Nerd!"

"I'm not a nerd!" He protests, looking at you and holding his head.

You slapped your hand on the paper, "You just did some person's homework!" You studied the answers. "And got the answers right!"

"Well you're a Teacher's Pet!" He snapped back.

"No I'm not!"

He crossed his arms, "Teacher's pet, noun, a student in a class who is liked by the teacher and who is treated better than other students."

"I bet you were the teacher's pet at your old school!"

Luz chuckled. Close, Y/n...he was something like that.

Hunter glared at Luz before looking at you. "This isn't about me! It's abOut you being a teacher's favorite!"

You laughed. "Aww, did you just voice crack?" You ask.

He flushed and turned away. "N..nO-"

"That's so cute, you voice crack when you get worked up!"

Hunter looked at you quickly. "I'm not cute!"

Vee, who was silent the whole time, checked her phone. "Come on, Lovebirds, we have to get to school."

You and Hunter snapped your heads back to look at her. "Vee!" You protest in unison.

She laughed and skipped between you guys. You both follow her with your eyes and heads. You followed her glancing at Hunter, who saw you look at him. Luz followed her and then Hunter.

He smirked and winked before walking faster to catch up with Luz and Vee. Luz continued. "But like I said, we should all compete in it-"

"Why?" You asked walking next to her. "It sounds so boring and cliche. We could do something more fun."

"But there's a prize!" Luz said shaking your arm. "An all expenses paid trip to TOKYO JAPAN! And a FREE field trip to Toei Animation! You can bring up to seven people!"

You paused. Toei Animation? 

Your father was currently there to trying to get inspiration for his manga, and he was helping them animate...

"Really?" You said more interested. "And...all you have to do is win?"

Hunter looked at you confused. Were you changing your mind? Luz noticed too. "Yeah! I think we should all enter, me, you, Vee, Hunter, Willow, and Gus so we have better chance at winning! Then if one of us win, then we can invite each other!"

You thought for a minute. "But...I don't know what I would do..."

Luz paused for a minute, thinking. "Hm, well, I know I'm gonna sing Ordinary, the Little Miss Perfect sequel!"

Vee smiled. "I'm gonna do card magic!"

Luz nodded. "And Willow's going play piano, and Gus is doing comedy." She looked at Hunter. "I don't know what Hunter's gonna do."

Hunter looked at her frowning. "Who said I was doing it?"

"I did!" Luz said shaking his shoulder, laughing.

He rolled his eyes, shrugging her off. "Whatever, I'm not."

|After school: 5:55 pm
|Y/n's room

You and Hunter were watching Amphibia on your computer. You both sat on the bed as Sprig laughed on screen, but your heart wasn't in the show.

Hunter noticed this. "Y/n? Are you watching?"

You looked up. "Oh- Yeah, sorry."

He tilted his head, "If it's boring, then we can do something else." He said ready to shut the computer.

You shook your head. "Just thinking, that's all."

"What about?"

"...The talent show. I want to win."

He smiled at you. "Why now? I mean, you weren't into it earlier."

You hesitated, "Well, my father is in Japan...and he's temporarily working at Toei Animation, so if I won, I could see him."

"That's why?" He asked surprised. 

You nodded. Hunter looked down. "Well, what are you good at?" He asked looking at you.

"Reading fanfiction."


"Hating myself at 3 am."


"That's it."

He frowned and said, "Okay, you know what? I'm joining the talent show as your partner."

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 [𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now