#21 BSM He walks in on you changing

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Liam: You were getting ready to go swimming with your brother and the other boys. They were all getting  ready and changed. You had walked into your room to change, when you couldn't find your bikini. You checked the bathroom and finally went down to the laundry room and found it in the dryer. You skipped back up the stairs and into your room. You slipped off your shorts and bottoms and put on your black bottoms. You then slipped off your tank top and bra and were trying to situate your swim suit top when Liam yelled "Hey (y/n) are you..OH MY GOD!" He walked in right when you were trying to fix your suit. You screamed and threw on the nearest dirty t-shirt. "God Liam can't you knock!?" "I'm-I-I'm so sorry baby! I didn't mean to, I thought you would be dressed by now!" He was blushing more than you would ever thought a boy to blush. "Liam, I'm kinda naked, can you like?" "Oh right! I'm so sorry!" You nodded and he left. After you finished getting dressed, you walked downstairs and poor Liam, he wouldn't look at you. The other boys were laughing and you walked up to Liam. "Li, look at me." He looked up. "It's alright, okay? Didn't see much." You both started laughing and he hugged you.

Louis: Louis was known to barge into your room whenever he wished. Whenever you changed, you always made sure to lock your door. You were in a rush to change and go with your friend so you forgot to lock your door. You had stripped down to you underwear and bra when you were looking for your skirt and top. Louis opened your door and walked "Do you need JESUS!" He screamed covering his eyes "I've been blinded!" He was just standing their with his eyes closed "LOUIS GET OUT!" "Right!" Sorry he ran into the walls a couple times before he made it out the door. You quickly got dressed and walked back down to Louis,who looked horrified sitting on the couch. "Can I have some money?" You asked. He nodded and handed you $50. "Thanks" You muttered. "Hey, listen" He stopped you before walking out. "I'm really sorry about earlier, I'm just going to knock on your door from now on. I guess I thought you were still younger and I could surprise you like I used to." "It's alright, Lou. We all make mistakes. I'm not going to lie, your reaction was pretty hilarious." He laughed "Shut up and go have fun. Love you" You smiled and kissed his cheek "Love you too Lou"

Niall: You weren't feeling to hot today. You just laid around all day in Niall's clothes all day. "Babe, maybe you should take a shower, I think it will help you feel better" You nodded and went into the bathroom. You stripped down and got into the shower. You just sat there letting the cool water run down your body. You knew you had a temperature, and laying in the cool water felt amazing. You were in there for about a half hour when you got out and got a towel and dried off. You went into Niall's closet and got more of his clothes out. You walked into your room and shut the door. You dropped your towel when Niall knocked on the door. You were into your own world and didn't even realize that he had knocked. You put on some underwear and were about to put on a new sports bra when Niall walked in. "Holy crap!" He yelled covering his eyes. You screamed and jumped. "NIALL WHAT THE HELL?" You screamed. "I knocked and when you didn't answer, I thought you were asleep so I wanted to check on you!" You threw on his sweatpants and your sports bra and a t-shirt. "Okay, you can look" You muttered. "I'm so sorry princess, I was just worried about you." "Tis'alright" You muttered walking into his arms. He rubbed your back and felt your forehead. "Babe, you're really hot" You nodded. "Come on, forget what just happened and let's get some medicine" He walked you downstairs forgetting all about him walking in on you.

Harry: Harry loved to scare you. It didn't matter where you were or who you were with, if he got the chance he would jump out at you. You were walking into your room after your boyfriend called you to go out on a date. You quickly agreed and ran upstairs to change. You didn't realize Harry heard your conversation and ran into your closet. You ran into your room and stripped down. Right when you were about to put on your jeans, Harry popped out. "BOO!" "HOLY GOD HARRY GET OUT I'M NAKED!" "OH MY GOD MY EYES!" He quickly ran back into your closet and waited. You quickly got dressed and opened your closet. "Really?" You asked. "Sorry, love. I thought you were just getting your bag, not changing." You nodded "Yeah ya dumbo!" "I'm really sorry. What can I do to make it up?" "Why would you need to make it up, it's more embarrassing for you. Plus what if I decide to tell the boys or post it on twitter mhm?" He squinted his eyes "You wouldn't dare." You nodded holding your phone. "Wanna try me?" He shook his head

"$100 and we never speak of this again?" "No more scaring me either" "Deal" He handed you a $100 bill and hugged you bye.

Zayn: You were changing into your dress for your date tonight. You were trying to get out of your skinny jeans when you fell and hit your foot. You cried out in pain. "BABE?" Zayn yelled. He ran into your room not realizing you were naked. "NO!" But it was too late. "God..um put some clothes on and I will help you, okay?" He said quickly covering his eyes. You threw on a top and pulled your jeans back up. "Help me Zayn, please it hurts" You cried. "It's okay, I promise" He lifted you up and set you on your bed. "Where babe?" You pointed to your ankle "God babe, we have to go to the hospital." He picked you up and carried you to the car and drove you to the hospital. Once you arrived there, you were checked in and you were changed into a hospital gown to make sure you had no other injuries. You were checked and told you badly sprained your ankle. They put you in a boot and gave you crutches. Zayn had gone to call the boys while they fitted you for your cast. They had helped you change back into your jeans but they left you to your shirt on your own. Just as you got the gown off Zayn walked in "Jesus Zayn again?" He laughed and covered his eyes. You threw your shirt on. "You can look" You laughed. "I'm so sorry baby. I just freaked when you yelled and now, I ran in as soon as the doctor said I could." "It's alright, thanks for helping me" He helped you up, and knew now to ask before he came in.

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