#14 BSM You cut

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Disclaimer: This is NOT mine, it is from tumblr. If you are the owner of this preference and don't wish for me to have this as one of my preferences, please tell me so.

Niall: Tears start to form in your eyes as you enter your room. You throw your bag into the corner of your room and fall face downwards on your bed. You sob into your pillow as you remember your day in school. It was horrible. People pushed you into the lockers of your school, called you names and made fun about your weight. You never thought that you’re fat but since a few weeks you did. Everyone makes you feel like crap. After a while the hot tears stop but you are still sobbing. You stand up and kneel in front of your bed to pull out the box. The box where you hide your razors and everything you need to hide your scars. With watery eyes you open it and your mouth fells open as you see it’s empty. You find a little note at the bottom. Shaking you take out the note and start to read it. Please come into my room if you find this note. - Niall. This is the only thing it says. You couldn’t think anymore. You knew there was still blood on the razors and the bandages gave him probably the last hints he needed to know. Your whole body starts to shake as you stand up and walk towards your door. Seconds later you find yourself in front of Niall’s room. Tears started again to fall from your eyes and you couldn’t move. You wanted to knock but you couldn’t but Niall must have heard you as he opens the door. Immediately his face softens and he pulls you into a hug. He walks you over to his bad and sits you down. For the next minutes it’s silent and he holds tightly. Eventually you stop crying and look up into his eyes. “Do you want to tell me why you do this?” he asks quietly. You nod lightly as you start to explain your situation. “The people in school are horrible. Every day it’s the same.” you confess. “Then you move schools. And I’ll help you with that.” he says and picks up one of your bloody razors. “Come on. I want you to do something.” he demands as he takes all of your razors in one hand and yours in his other. He walks with you to the waste container and opens it. “Now I want you to throw each one on his own in here.” he explains and points to the container. You sigh but do as he told you. After every single razor is in there he hugs you again. “This was the first step. We can do this together.” he mumbles into your shoulder.

Liam: You didn’t know why but since a few weeks you feel sad. You don’t even need a reason for it. Sometimes you just lay in bed and suddenly the tears start to stream down your face and you can’t control it anymore. As you felt disappointed in yourself for feeling like this you started to cut yourself. You wanted to punish yourself and it was surprising how good it felt for you. Today is again one of those days where everything seems wrong. You knew you wanted to cut yourself again so you went to your bathroom and took out your razor blade. Making sure the door is locked you start to push the blade against your skin. Slowly the little drops of blood start to run down your arms as a few single tears run down your face. Enjoying the feeling of the feeling you close your eyes and breath slowly in and out. Suddenly there’s a knock against your door. “(Y/N)? The boys are here. Do you want to watch a movie with us?” Liam asks not having a single idea about what’s going on. You knew he would be worried if you say no since you love movies. “Sure.” you say a little bit shaken up. “Are you ok?” he asks again clearly hearing the unusual tone of your voice and you say a quick yes before he leaves. After you wash the blood of your arms you walk slowly in your room in case Liam is there. As you can’t see him you look for a sweater before walking into the living room where all the boys are. “Do you want to drink anything?” Liam asks the boys as they nod. “(Y/N)? Can you help me?” You nod your head and walk with him in the kitchen to prepare a few drinks. Carefully you bring them out after Liam gave his Zayn and Niall. You walk towards Louis before turning to Harry. Not thinking about the distance between you two you reach him his drink. Confused you look at him as his face changes. He swallows hard before looking into your face and then around to the boys. Just then your own eyes travel to your wrist to see the fresh cuts. You gasp and the glass slips out of your hand. “Shit.” you hear Liam yell as you can only stare at Harry scared your secret could be revealed. Slowly you take a few steps backwards as they all look confused at you since tears start to form in your eyes. “(Y/N). It’s just a glass. Nothing bad happened.” Niall laughs but stops as your back hits the wall and then you break down and start to sob. Immediately Liam runs towards you and hugs you tightly. “What is wrong? Please. Tell me. Are you hurt?” Liam pleads but you can’t answer him too scared of his reaction. Just then Harry walks to your other side and grabs your arm lightly. “No.” you whimper but he doesn’t listen. He sighs before he slides your sleeve up. You slowly open your eyes you closed to see Liam’s face. He looks shocked, sad and mostly scared. You start to sob harder but he hugs you again. “Shh. I-It’s ok. We’re not mad. We’re here. We’ll help you. I promise.” he calms you down and after a few minutes you stop crying. “Do you want to tell me why?” he asks after the boys left you alone. You shrug your shoulders. “I feel sad all the time. And disappointed. I don’t know why but you’re so good at what you’re doing and I can’t anything.” you try to explain. “But you’re none of that. You’re so talented. If I see what you reach in school I’m amazed. You’re great and if you really want it we get over this together. Ok?” he asks and shakes your shoulders a little bit. You nod before falling in his arms once again.

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