#9 Paparazzi

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Harry: You and Harry had just had a fun night bowling. As you were walking out of the building, you were still laughing about the crazy things you did, when suddenly Harry's smile vanished. You looked up to see what he was staring at, and you saw them. The annoying, pushy people with cameras, also known as 'paparazzi'. The next thing you knew, you were being blinded by cameras, and hundreds of questions were being thrown at you all at once. The funny this was that they seemed particularly interested in you. "What's it like being Harry Styles's girlfriend?" "How do you handle the hate?" "Rumors are swirling that Harry cheated on you. Can you confirm this?" All you could think to do was bury your face in Harry's shoulder and close your eyes. Then you felt a sharp tug on your arm, and you jumped up in surprise when their nails dug into your skin. When you looked up, you saw one of the paparazzi gripping your arm with a camera right in front of your face. "S-stop that!" you protested, slapping her hand away. As she released you from her grip, you saw that her nails had pierced through your skin, and little beads of blood began to appear at the surface of your skin. When Harry saw this, he just lost it. He grabbed the camera that was closest to him and threw it on the ground. "Get away from us!" he yelled. Then he turned to the woman who had grabbed your arm and glared at her. "If you ever...touch her again..." he started, but you cut him off. "Haz, it's fine. L-let's just go home, okay?" you said softly. Seeing the hurt and worry in your eyes, he knew you just wanted to get away from them as soon as possible, so he took your hand and shoved his way through the paparazzi to get to your car.

LOUIS:  You’re out for your daily jog one morning, baby bug gee in tow, with your sleeping daughter enjoying her ride.  Some paparazzi spot you and waste no time in getting pictures as you run.  At first you’re okay with it, until they start getting underfoot in trying to get closeups of your baby.  You try to cover her and hide her from the gawkers as best you can until you’re able to get away from them.  You get a call from Louis one afternoon a few days later while your feeding your daughter her bottle.  “Is everything alright over there?” he asks you after the typical “hi, how are you” greetings are said and done.  “Yeah, why do you ask?”  “I just saw some pictures of you from the other morning.  Looks like you had to fight off some paps,” he mentions, scrolling through a few more of the pictures of you trying to cover your own face as well as your daughter’s.  “It was fine,” you assure.  “I’ll just have to find a different route to take until you get home from tour and can watch her while I run.”  Louis chuckles.  “Just take care of yourself while I’m gone, okay?  I don’t want anything happening to my two favorite girls.”

Zayn: "Zayn! (Y/N)! Where are you going?" a paparazzi in green calls loudly. "Burger place," you reply, hoping that a response would make them leave you two alone. Zayn puts his arm around you protectively and you two continue walking. "Ay, you sure about that, (Y/N)?" the same guy replies, lowering his camera. "It doesn't look like you need another burger, if you know what I mean." Zayn's jaw tenses and he turns his head towards the rude guy in green. You frown and look at Zayn, feeling suddenly self-conscious. "Don't listen to him," Zayn whispers to you. "You're gorgeous." The guy in the green just won't stop. "(Y/N), I hope you order a salad," he says mockingly. "Excuse me, can you stop being an ass hole? Thanks," Zayn snaps angrily. "Why don't you make me, pretty boy?" the guy taunts. You bite your lip nervously. Two things Zayn can't stand: people being rude to you and backing down from a challenge. Not a good combo. "I think I WILL!" Zayn storms over to the guy and sends a punch right in his chest. The guy stumbles backwards into a tree and Zayn corners him, leaning right in his face. "Sufficient enough?" he snarls. The guy in the green nods slowly, still catching his breathe and clutching his chest. "Good," Zayn replies, smiling menacingly, then returning to your side. "Zayn, you didn't have to-" you begin. He cuts you off. "(Y/N), I just get protective, I don't like people hurting you." You sigh and squeeze his hand. "I know, just don't...you don't have to get all physical, okay? I can handle it." Zayn nods reluctantly. 

Liam: “Come to school with me and see what I deal with” you sighed, and to your surprise Liam got up. “Alright, I want to see this” he said, and you nodded. Liam was making it seem like you were blowing your ‘exposure’ at school out of proportion. You showed up and Liam gasped. As usual, there were at least fifteen paparazzi waiting at the head of the parking lot. “Watch how embarrassing this is” you whispered as you parked. You got out of your car and immediately sheltered yourself from the flashes. Liam came over to you and pulled you against him. “Y/N Liam! When’s the wedding!?” one photographer asked. There was no doubt they were more aggressive here than out in general public. You felt someone pushing you more into Liam as you two tried to push your way in. “Y/N! How did you get into school here? You always seemed a little slow” another one called, but you and Liam kept pushing. You got in the door, and everyone was staring. “See? This is what I go through every day. But worse. Cause I don’t have you sheltering me” you said, grabbing your bag out his hands and walking aggressively towards class. You felt awful once you got there, but Liam doubting you really pissed you off. When class finished, Liam was outside your door with a stack of papers. “What are these?” you asked, slapping your hand on the pile. “Court Orders. We are going to be suing any paparazzi that come to the school. They have proven incapable of taking your picture appropriately here, so I got a meeting with the dean and she agreed to have it a policy. We get to hand these out” he said, handing you half the stack. For the first time, you ran for the door excited to see the paparazzi. You managed to hand each of them a piece of paper. “Plenty more where that came from” Liam said, waving his untouched pile. You kept them in your car and, every time a paparazzi got to close to you at school, you gave them one.  

 Niall: You and Niall are out for your weekly dinner date. Every week you’d go to a completely random restaurant to see if anything beat Nando’s. What can you say? You two enjoy eating. Tonight the two of you decide to sit outside; on the restaurant’s patio. Half way through the meal paparazzi and fans show up, disrupting your pleasant evening. Well not really the fans, they seem content in just watching and giggling with their friends. It is the paps. They aren’t afraid to get in your face as you attempt to eat and it was quite honestly pissing you off. You just wish you could spend time with the wonderful Irishman that is your boyfriend without getting your picture being taken.  “Y/N? I’m done are you ready to go?” Niall asks standing quickly. You nod, relieved, and as you stand you felt yourself being pushed forward. The momentum let you into Niall’s surprised grip. “Are you okay?” He asks quietly, you nod. “Good.” He turns to the swarm of paparazzi angrily. “What the hell?! You just go around pushing around women like that?! And to whoever did that; that was a real cunt-like move and you outta be ashamed! Freaking bastard!” You pull him away as he continued with his rapid cursing. We are in so much trouble.

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