#10 BSM You come out to him

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#10 BSM - You come out of the closet

Liam, age 15: You never really wanted anyone to know about it, but you've known for a while now that you like girls. There was nothing wrong with that, is there? You decided to tell Liam, especially because today he was having an off day and seemed to be in a really good mood. "Li? Can I talk to you?" You mumbled, you were scared. What was he going to think? Would he judge you? Would he think different about you? "Yeah? What's wrong babe?" "Liam, I'm telling you this now. I'm going to tell you one of my biggest secrets ever. Something I've known for a while now, but haven't told anyone but-" "you like girls?" He raised an eyebrow and you stared at him in pure shock. "How the hell did you know that?!" You whisper shouted. "Well, I see the way you look at girls. It's not the same with boys." "Do you hate me now?" "Why would I hate you? Just because your attraction towards the same gender is different that doesn't mean I hate you. You're still my baby sister." He smiled and you hugged him. "Thank you."

Harry, age 16: Should I tell him? Should I keep it a secret? You thought to yourself as you paced around the room, nervous. You wanted to come out of the closet to Harry, but you were scared he would judge you for it. "(Y/N)? Mum says stop pacing, the floorboards here a really squeaky." You stopped pacing and stared at him, you were on the verge of tears, you didn't know what to do. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, coming in, and hugging you comfortingly. "No Harry." "Well then baby, what's wrong?" He cooed, and you looked up at him, the height difference was huge. "I like girls, Harry." he stared at you for a while and smiled. "Okay, what did you wanna tell me?" "I wanted to tell you that! I'm bi," you sighed and he shrugged at you. "So? That doesn't change anything." He grinned and you nodded. "And to think, I was so scared of telling you." "Well, that's okay love. We all have our moments. And please don't ever be scared to tell me something like this again. I'll support any desicion." He smiled. "So. Can I get my tattoo done then?" "Okay, don't push it missy!"

Niall, age 17: You sat in your bed, surrounded by tissues and sorrow. A knock came upon your door and you let out a very mumbled, 'Come in'. "What's wrong princess? You've been crying so much since earlier. I wanna help you, but I can't do that unless I know what's wrong." Niall soothed you, and you nodded, wiping your nose with the tissue. "I-I.." You choked out, nervous. "I'm les, Niall." He stared at you in shock and took you in his arms, quickly. "Oh babe." He sighed, petting you hair. "Is this why you were crying the whole time? Because you like girls, and not boys?" He comforted, and you nodded meekly. "You shouldn't be like this. Your just like any other girl that, well, likes the same gender. You haven't changed, still the same (Y/N)." He defended, and you furrowed your brows. "But-" he cut you off. "No buts, I don't like seeing you like this. Just come to me next time, I hate it when you're sad. Does mum know?" He asked and you hesitantly nodded. "Thanks Niall." "No worries princess."

Louis, age 16: You knew that there were rumours going around that you were lesbian, and everyone thought it was a rumour, when in true fact, you are. Somehow a fan managed to sneak your diary out of your hand and read a page or two, and the page she read had, well, exactly what she needed to start the 'rumour'. "Love, can I come in. I wanna speak to ya." Your brother called from out side your bedroom. "Sure Lou, come in." You chirped, and he trotted inside, then sitting down own the bed he became ultimately serious and looked at you straight in the eye. "(Y/N) are you okay with the rumour? I mean, I know your probably getting a lot of hate for it and I know it's not true so-" "It is." You gushed. "What is?" "It is true Louis. I am les. But I didn't want anyone to know, and now, the whole world fucking knows!" You shrieked, covering you face with your hands, wiping the tears away in frustration. "W-what?" He mumbled, and you nodded. "Don't worry, I knew you wouldn't take this well." You sighed pushing him off your bed. "No, no. I'm just surprised you didn't tell me sooner. I had to find out for a rumour! Not even you!" Louis yelled, you flinched. "I'm sorry, it's just.. Come to me next time. I don't want to have to find out stuff like this over the internet."

Zayn, age 18: You had a girlfriend, you were settled and everyone knew about her. Everyone except Zayn. Yesterday he came home from tour, and you were going to visit him and tell him the news, see how he would take it. Knocking on his door, you tapped your foot impatiently, the nerves were getting to you. "(Y/N)!" Zayn chirped happily, and you smiled. "Come in love!" You nodded, following him inside as he shut the door. "So, I came here to tell you something.." You mumbled, and he raised and eyebrow at you. "Wait! You're not pregnant, are you?!" He gasped, and you chuckled lightly. "No, no.. I came to tell you that I erm, I sort of.." You stammered and he smiled lightly. "You sort of what, babes?" He encouraged, motioning for you to go on. "I like girls Zayn. I even have a girlfriend, and everyone knows, and I felt like it was appropriate to tell you, I mean, you are my brother and-" you rambled on, but was cut of by Zayn. "Okay." "Okay? I was expecting something more. You know, maybe a 'what the hell, my sister likes girls?!' 'Ugh, ew' sort of stuff," you laughed a bit, "None of that. Nothing's changed. Your still you, correct? And I wouldn't say that. It's your choice love." "Love you Zayn, and thank you."

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