#15 BSM He hurts you

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#15 BSM He hurts you

Liam (age 12): You just got home from a terrible day at school. Your classmates bullied you, you got an F on a test that you studied very hard for and on top of that the hate was getting harder to ignore. You just wanted to cuddle with your big brother so you went to his room. You saw him sitting on his bed with his hands covering his face. "Liam could I talk to you for a sec?" You asked trying to keep yourself from crying. "(Y/n) just leave me alone." He said not even looking at you "Liam please, I need you." You begged as tears started spilling from your eyes. He lifted his head and looked at you with so much anger. He got up and pushed you to the ground. " I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE (y/n)! I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH YOUR DRAMA! JUST GROW UP WILL YOU AND STOP BEING SO GODDAMN ANNOYING!" You looked up at him with scared eyes and scurried away to your room locking the door behind you and crying on your bed until you fell asleep.

Louis (age 5): The boys were playing soccer at the backyard while you were playing in the sandbox at the kiddie park that the boys made for you. Anyway Louis' team was losing and you could see the frustration on his face. With an angry grunt he kicked the ball with great force. It flew off course and went straight to you, hitting you in the head. You were stunned for a bit then bursted out crying. The boys saw what happened yet Louis didn't even notice because of how angry he was. You ran to Niall's arms and just cried "Sh,Sh,Sh don't cry love." Niall said gently rubbing the small bump forming on your head. Minutes later you calmed down, when suddenly Louis approached you and Niall "What happened?" He asked clearly confused as to why you were crying. Niall explained to Louis what had happened. Louis was shocked to hear what he did and it quickly changed to guilt in less than a second. He tried to take you from Niall but you started screaming and crying because you were very scared of him. You had a death grip on Niall and wouldn't let go "(y/n) I'm so sorry" Louis said but you just buried your head on Niall's chest. Louis left hanging his head in shame.

Harry (age 4): You were playing dolls with Louis and Zayn in Harry's room because he was talking to someone on the phone. Moments later an angry looking Harry barged in. Being four you didn't care what mood your brother is, you just wanted to play with him and besides, playing with you makes him happy again, but today seems different. You slowly approached him and tapped on his shoulder "Haz play?" You asked "Not now (y/n)" he mumbled but you didn't listen, you really wanted to play with your big brother so you tried again "Please Haz" you begged giving him your puppy dog eyes hoping he would give in. "I SAID NO (y/n)! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He yelled pushing you to the ground. Louis and Zayn saw the whole thing and was shocked by his action "Harry why the hell did you do that?! She just wanted to play with you." Louis said picking up your crying form. Your cries snapped Harry out of his rage. His anger turned to guilt quickly "(y/n) I'm so sorry" he said walking towards you, but every step he took, your cries got harder and harder that Louis was scared that you might make yourself sick "Stop Harry, you've done enough." Zayn said and the three of you went to the living room where after they got you to calm down you continued playing with your dolls.

Niall (age 7): You and Niall just finished eating at Nandos. "Ok (y/n) you have to do as I say, keep on walking and don't listen to them. Don't let go of my hand, you understand me?" He asked and you nodded your head preparing yourselves. The minute you stepped out of the restaurant you were swarmed by paparazzi. Niall grabbed your hand and tried to push your way through the paparazzi. So many questions were being thrown at the both of you. "Niall is it true about you and Ellie dating?" "How is living with the boys (y/n)?" "Did Niall tell you the truth about you being adopted?" The last question really angered Niall. The grip on your hand tightened and it started to hurt "Niall" you said trying to get his attention but he couldn't seem to hear you "NIALL!!" You said louder "WHAT?!" He screamed at your face. You got so scared because he never yelled at you before. You pushed him away and ran from him. You could hear Niall yelling your name but you ignored him and continued running. Minutes later you got tired and sat down at a bench at a bus stop. You looked around and realized that you were lost. You felt panic start to build up in your chest, you started to run again to find your way home but it was useless, you were already lost. It started to rain so you walked around and found a tree to shelter in. You buried your head on your knees and started crying thinking that you would never see Niall again.

Zayn (age 10): You were playing Xbox with Liam and Harry in your room, when Zayn barged in looking angry. "(y/n) where is it?" He asked grabbing your arm, pulling you away from the boys "Where is what Zayn?" You asked confused and at the same time scared because you never see him this angry before "MY CIGARETTES! WHERE ARE THEY?!" He asked gripping your arm harder "I don't know what you're talking about." You said, your voice shaking from fear. "Don't lie to me." He said in a dangerously low voice "I'm not" you said as tears started falling from your eyes. Suddenly you felt a hand hit you in the side of your face which sent you to the floor. "Zayn!" Liam and Harry exclaimed running to your aid. You looked at Zayn with so much hurt and fear. "Zayn, (y/n) didn't hide your cigarettes, I did. It's bad for you and (y/n). Haven't you forgotten that she has asthma?!" Liam said angrily to Zayn. It seemed to have snapped Zayn out of his rage and he realized what he had done. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you baby girl." He said slowly approaching you but you pushed yourself farther away from him. "I hate you." You whispered "What?" Zayn asked shocked "I HATE YOU!" You screamed before running away. You went to your special hiding place that no one knew but you, which was a hole at the back of your closet, in the basement, which was covered with a piece of wood. There you cried and cried until you fell asleep.

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