#13 Pregnancy Scare

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#13 Pregnancy Scare

Liam- "Uhm, Liam can talk to you about something...?" You said as you walked into the bedroom where he was sitting on the bed on his laptop. "Sure babe, what's up?" Liam asked as you sat down on the bed next to him. "Well uhm, I don't know how to tell you this." You began. "C'mon babe you can tell me anything." Liam said nervously. "Well I am late... Really late." you said as tears hit your eyes. "Like your period..?" Liam asked cautiously. "Mhm..." You said as tears streamed down your face. "(YN) Stop. First off how late are you?" Liam asked. "Eight days..." You said. "Ok.. Have you taken a test yet?" Liam asked somehow remaining calm. "No, I am too scared." You said with a sniffle. "Well you have to take a test babe.." Liam said. "I am so sorry, Liam I don't want to ruin your career." You said sobbing. "(YN) you might not even be pregnant, Stress can make you late, so if you have been stressed out over this then it might be making you even later. And if you are pregnant, I will be ecstatic, I want to have kids with you. Even though this isn't exactly how we wanted things to go I will be there every step of the way." Liam said as he pulled you in and rubbed your back. "We're going to be alright no matter what." Liam said as he gave you a big kiss on the cheek and on your belly and said, "Just in case." with a giggle making you smile.

Niall- "Still no luck?" Niall asked as you walked out of the bathroom. "Zip." You said frustrated, as you plopped down on the couch next to him in the living room. "Well maybe you should just take a test..." Niall said as he rubbed his eyes nervously. "ughh." He sighed. "But what if it says yes?" you asked Niall. "Then we have a kid.." Niall said with fear in his voice. You and Niall had, had sex a few nights ago.. unprotected. You were both caught up in the moment and had just completely forgot about it, and now you were late, and both of you were nervous wrecks. "Are you sure you were supposed to get it two days ago?" Niall said while running his fingers through his thick hair. "Niall, yes, I haven't been this late in years." You said. It was not that you two didn't want kids but you were both young, way to young to be parents, let alone the parents you wanted to be to your future kids. "(YN) just take the test, ok just get it over with." Niall said. "Well you're going in the bathroom with me then." You said as you and Niall went into the bathroom.

Louis- "(YN) I really don't see how you could be pregnant. You're on birth control." Louis said as he laid down on your bed as you paced around the bedroom. "Louis how many times do I have to tell you, there is this thing called failed birth control." You finished slowly. "It means that sometimes it doesn't work." You sighed in frustration. "But you're not that late." Louis said. "Louis when you're my age, periods are really consistent, if you're more than two days late you should be worried. Especially when we had sex when I am the most fertile." you said. "How do you know when you're the most fertile that's gross!" Louis joked. "Louis come on, now is not the time for your jokes, I could be pregnant and in 9 months you could be a father." You said throwing your arms up in the air, being done with Louis. "Jesus (YN) That is how I deal with stress, I can't just ramble on like you do." Louis said. "Oh really Louis? You really want to start with me right now? Do you even care how much this could mess our lives up?" You yelled. "(YN) Stop. First off you haven't even taken a test yet, secondly I would be thrilled to have kids with you, I want to." Louis said finally getting you to calm down a little bit. "now come sit down next to me and we can have a serious talk about this, ok?" Louis said as you sat down on the bed next to him.

Harry- "(YN) can we talk about something." Harry said as he came into your office in the house and sat down. "Uhh sure..." You said confused. "What's up?" You asked as you shut your laptop. "Well uhm, I don't really now how tell you this but I know I have too." He said slowly. "Harry spill it." You said looking at your watch and the pile of work on your desk that wasn't getting done. "Well... last night, when I uhmm.. took it of.." Harry began. "Shit." You mumbled knowing where he was going with this. "It was uhh... broken." Harry said grabbing his chin like he normally did when he was nervous. "I'm sorry." He said looking down. "Well there is nothing we can do about it now. If I am late we will just have to go from there." You said nervously. "So you're not mad at me?" Harry asked. "Well I can't be mad at you... Its something out of our control, but yeah I am frustrated and stressed out a lot now." You said running your fingers through your hair. "But for now I am not going to worry about it because I have to get this stuff done." You said to Harry as he quietly left your office.

Zayn- "(YN)! What's wrong?" Zayn said as he came into the house to see you sobbing on the couch. "(YN) come on love, what is it?" Zayn said scared. "Are you ok?" He asked quickly. "No." You said as he took you in hi arms and looked at your tear stained cheeks. "Tell me what is wrong babe." Zayn said. "I am late." you sobbed out. "You're what?" Zayn said in shock. "My period is late." You said not believing the words coming out of your mouth. You weren't actually upset about being late, you actually would be thrilled to have kids with Zayn anytime. But you and Zayn both knew how strict your family was on keeping your virginity until you were married, which you and Zayn weren't. You really didn't give a shit about your virginity but you knew if you're parents knew you had, had sex and were pregnant they would kill you and Zayn both. "(YN) please stop. We will be fine, you just need to take a test first and we will go from there." Zayn said. "I am keeping it if I am pregnant no matter what my parents say." You said in-between cries. "Good, but lets just slow down." Zayn said somehow still keeping his cool.

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