Chapter 1

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I followed the directions was e-mail and arrived at a huge building that was a behind a huge, guarded metal gate. I drove up to the voice box and pressed the button.

"Can I help you?" A voice asked.

"I'm Holly Adams, I have an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Stark." I said. I heard the gate buzz and open.

"Follow the driveway, someone will met you at the door Ms. Adams." The voice on the box said and I drove through. I found a place to park my car and I got out being met a tall, skinny blonde woman who greeted me with the sweetest smile.

"Ms. Adams?" She asked and I smiled.

"Holly is fine." I said as I walked up to her and he smiled shaking my hand.

"I'm Pepper Potts-Stark." She said and I nodded.

"It's so great to meet you." I said and she took in my appearance of my black pencil skirt that hit at my knees, a white button up blouse that was tucked in, and simple black heels, she smiled and we walked inside.

"We are going to head into my husband's office and that's were we will conduct the interview if that's alright?" Pepper asked and I nodded.

"Whatever works for you." I said with a smiled as we walked through the entire compound and I looked around at everything and how big it was.

"So this whole building is new correct?" I asked and Pepper nodded.

"It is. You know about Thanos and everything?" Pepper asked and I looked at the ground and sighed.

"Yeah...uh...I disappeared..." I said and Pepper stopped walking and looked at me. I realized I said something wrong immediately.

"Oh Holly, I am so sorry." Pepper said and I gave a small smile shaking my head.

"No, its okay. I mean your husband and his team figured out how to bring us all back." I said and Pepper smiled. We reached Tony's office and Pepper looked in and didn't see Tony and she groaned. She saw the door in corner of his office open.

"You can have a seat, I will be right back." She said and headed through the door shutting it. I said down and crossed my legs and just waiting. I heard a little laugh from somewhere in the office and I smiled. I got up and started looking around.

"I could have sworn I just heard a little girl laugh, man I must be going crazy." I said and she giggled again. I peeked around the desk and I saw tiny feet under the desk.

"Did it come from over here?" I asked and looked the total opposite direction.

"Nope...maybe over here...." I said looked another way. I snapped my fingers.

"Dang it." I said and I heard the giggle one more time. I looked at the desk and bent down slowly.

"Right here....!" I said and she squealed and I laughed.

"And who might you be lovely lady?" I asked with a smile.

"Morgan H. Stark." She said and I smiled.

"Well Morgan H, Stark, I'm Holly Adams." I said and she smiled.

"You have a pretty name." Morgan said.

"Well thank you so do you." I said and I extended my hand to help her out from under the desk.

"Are you here to work for my daddy?" Morgan asked and I sighed.

"Well actually I'm here to maybe work for you." I said and she smiled.

"Really?!" Morgan asked excited.

"Yeah but I have to talk to your mom and dad first." I said and she smiled. The door opened in the corner of the room and they saw where I had sat Morgan on Tony's desk and was leaning next to her.

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