Chapter 7

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I woke up in my bed unsure of what time it was or what was going on. I felt someone stir beside me and I saw it was Morgan and I smiled.

"She insisted on sleeping with you." I heard a voice say and I looked to see Bucky sitting at the chair near the foot of the bed reading a book. I smiled seeing Bucky.

"And you are in here because...?" I questioned sitting up. He got up from his chair and came to sit by me on the bed. He reached his metal arm out and touched my cheek with his hand.

"I was worried about you doll, it's been a very exciting day. Morgan running off and then your mom..." Bucky said and I leaned into his touch.

"Everyone in the compound know about everything?" I asked a couple of minutes and Bucky removed his hand.

"Me, Steve, Pepper and Tony only. I only know because once Steve brought you in here that's when I came in and stayed because I was worried and Pepper found me in here and explained everything." Bucky said and I sighed. I took ahold of his metal hand and he smiled.

"Thank you Bucky, for staying in here with me. It's hard to explain like I didn't know you were here but I felt safe while I slept." I said and Bucky smiled.

"What time is it any way?" I asked.

"10pm. You missed dinner, are you hungry?" Bucky asked and I gave a small nod.

"Let's head down to the kitchen." Bucky said and we got out of the bed. I made sure Morgan was covered up and left the room unaware I was still holding Bucky's hand. Once we reached the kitchen Bucky let go of my hand.

"Take a seat I will make you my specialty." Bucky said and I smiled.

"Which is?" I asked as I hopped up on the counter

"Grilled cheese." Bucky said and I gave a small laugh since we were trying to be quiet since everyone was asleep. Bucky cooked him and I both a sandwich and he stood beside me as we ate.

"So do you know if Tony got my mom moved?" I asked and Bucky nodded.

"She is moved and getting settled in." Bucky said and I gave a small smile and dropped my head. Bucky stepped in front of my in between my legs. He lifted my chin up to make me look at him.

"Hey, don't do that. Everything is going to be okay now." Bucky said and I looked in his eyes and I noticed his eyes dropped to my lips and mine dropped to his. I leaned in and Bucky did the same and soon our lips were connected and he was kissing me. I moaned in the kiss and placed my hand on Bucky's hips and he placed his hands on either side of me on the counter. Bucky moved closer as I felt his tongue run along my lips wanting access and I opened for him. Before the kiss could get any deeper Bucky pulled away and placed his forehead against mine.

"I can't Holly I'm sorry. I enjoyed kissing you don't get me wrong but I think right now it's for the wrong reasons because you are upset and sad and I don't our kiss to be because of that." Bucky said and I sighed but nodded.

"No, you're right." I said and Bucky sighed and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Please go to bed doll." Bucky said and moved away from me.

"Good night Bucky, thanks for dinner." I said and walked out of the kitchen. Bucky stayed leaning on the counter.

"So she is vulnerable and you move in?" Steve asked walking into the kitchen. Bucky just looked at Steve.

"Come on Steve it wasn't like that, weak moment that I will not act on again and who was the one who asked me to stay with her because he couldn't deal with seeing her sad anymore?" Bucky said and Steve groaned.

"I meant watch her and make sure she didn't cry in her sleep, not make out with her in the kitchen." Steve said.

"It was a kiss Steve, that I ended. Get over it. Why does it matter you, you don't like her. You are still pissed off about....-" Bucky started to say and Steve growled.

"Don't even mention it." Steve said pissed off.

"Then don't come at me for kissing Holly." Bucky said cleaned off the plates he and Holly used and then left Steve standing in the kitchen.

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I woke up the next morning and Morgan was watching cartoons on my tv eating a bowl of cereal on my bed.

"Good morning." I said and she smiled at me.

"Sorry mommy said I could stay just not wake you." Morgan said and I sat up and kissed the side of her head.

"You didn't wake me sweet girl. You did quite the opposite, you helped me get a good nights sleep." I said and she smiled.

"Where is your mommy?" I asked and she shrugged

"I think with Daddy in his workshop." She said and I nodded.

"Can you stay here for me while I get dressed and go find them?" I asked and she nodded.

"Perfect." I said and got out of bed, quickly showered and then got changed. As I left my bedroom I almost ran directly into Steve.

"Oh hey." I said and he barely made eye contact with me.

"Ms. Adams." Steve said and I groaned.

"Um about yesterday..." I said and Steve shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, everything got taken care of." Steve said and walked past me with an attitude.

"So I see grumpy Steve is back!" I called after him. He stopped and turned around and came up to my face.

"Don't think yesterday changed anything, you had a hard time but don't forget about losing Morgan like you did at the zoo. That is still very much on Tony and Pepper's radar." Steve said.

"I wasn't the only one who lost her Steve!" I said and he groaned.

"She isn't my responsibility, she is yours!" Steve said angrily in my face.

"One more wrong step and you are gone and your mom is out in the street." Steve said and my eyes filled with tears.

"STEVE!" I heard a voice said angrily from behind me but down the hall. I turned to see Bucky.

"Bucky, it's fine." I said and she shook his head.

"No, Steve is out of line and needs to calm the hell down." Bucky said. Steve grumbled and walked away. I turned to Bucky and he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"You okay?" Bucky asked and I took a couple of deep breaths.

"Yeah, I just need to go talk to Tony and Pepper. Can you keep an eye on monster in my room?" I asked and Bucky smiled.

"Sure can." Bucky said and walked into my room and I walked to Tony's office. I knocked and then the door opened.

"They are in the lab Ms. Adams. Let me inform them you are here." I heard the system say that I was still trying to get used to.

"Thank you FRIDAY." I said and smiled. I stood in Tony's office and just waited. I saw Tony and Pepper come in from the door in the back of the office. I gave them both a small smile.

"Good morning Holly." Pepper said and came over and hugged me and I accepted it.

"Good morning." I said and then hugged Tony when he offered one. I sighed once we broke apart and looked at the floor.

"I think we all need to talk." I said and they sighed.

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