Chapter 4

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I stayed in my room the rest of the day and night after freaking out on Steve. I was sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the night with a cup of milk eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and just rereading the past due balance letter.

"Well that looks like a serious face for so late at night." I heard a voice say and I looked up to see Tony and I gave a small smile.

"Yeah just stuff about my mom." I said and Tony sighed and grabbed the paper from me.

"Tony!" I said and tried to take it back.

"Holly, this is how much you pay a month to keep her there?!" Tony asked shocked and I groaned.

"Yeah, I don't have any other choice. Her insurance only covers a third but it's the only place I could afford." I said and Tony sighed.

"Holly, this is a lot of money for a shitty facility." Tony said and I nodded.

"Trust me, you are preaching to the choir but like I said, it's all I can afford, which I can barely do that." I said and Tony sat down next to me and took half my sandwich. I just looked at him, smiled and slightly shook my head.

"Listen kiddo, if you need extra help you are apart of this family now and we would be more than willing to do whatever we can to help you." Tony said and I smiled.

"I know, I think I'm just so used to having to do it on my own." I said and Tony nodded as he ate the other half of my sandwich.

"Also, I want to apologize for my outburst today....." I said and Tony started shaking his head.

"No way, don't you dare. Capsicle thinks he is superior to everyone and he needed to be knocked down a peg." Tony said and I smiled.

"Well I just want him to leave me alone now." I said and Tony nodded.

"Well I think I am going to head to bed." I said and stood up. Tony followed suit as I took the plate and glass to the sink.

"You sure you don't need help with this?" Tony asked holding up the paper and I shook my head.

"I already paid it while I was in my room tonight." I said and Tony nodded.

"Alright well if you ever need help you just come to me." Tony said and I nodded. I went to walk away and I looked at Tony, I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back.

"Thank you Tony." I said I said and he smiled.

"No problem kid, now go get some sleep Morgan will be up with the sun soon." Tony said and we laughed and I walked away. 

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When I woke up the next morning after talking with Tony I actually felt fully rested and better. I got up and got dressed, I walked into Morgan's room and saw her still fast asleep. I crouched down to be level with her.

"Hey Morguna..." I said moving hair from her face and using the nickname Tony used for her. She opened her eyes sleepily and smiled.

"Ollie." Morgan said and I smiled.

"Ollie?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm going to call you Ollie." Morgan said and I nodded.

"Sounds great. I like it." I said and she smiled.

"You ready to get up and get some breakfast? I have something fun planned for us today." I said and she smiled.

"Really?! What?!" Morgan asked sitting up and I shrugged.

"I don't know, you have to get up and get dressed to find out." I said and she rushed out of bed and we got her washed up, I did her hair in a braid like mine and we got her dressed. As we headed down to the kitchen I ran into Steve.

"STEVIE!" Morgan said and ran to him and he picked her up in a hug.

"Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" Steve asked as I walked up to them.

"I did. Did you know Ollie has something planned for us today?" Morgan said and Steve looked at me.

"Ollie?" He asked.

"What Morgan wants to call me now." I said and he nodded.

"Well what are these amazing plans?" Steve asked Morgan and she shrugged.

"She needs to eat breakfast first." I said and Steve smiled.

"Well I think we know where we need to go." Steve said.

"Steve, can I have a piggyback ride?" She said and Steve smiled.

"Of course you can." Steve said and she crawled around his body to his back. I looked at her and then at Steve.

"Ready to go little monkey?" I asked and she nodded and Steve took off walking to the kitchen with me. Once we arrived everyone looked at us walking in together and I sighed.

"Morgan, what do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Fruit bowl!" She said and I smiled as Steve put her in her chair at the table. I grabbed some fruit and started cutting it up.

"I can make extra, anyone else want one?" I asked since Bucky, Wanda and Sam were sitting at the table.

"I would love one." Wanda said and I nodded. Once I was done I passed out the bowls of fruit and Pepper came walking in. She handed me the car keys.

"Her seat is in the back already and Tony insists you take it the car it's the safest one." Pepper said and I smiled.

"Which car is it?" I asked and she smiled.

"The SUV." She said and I nodded.

"Perfect." I said and Morgan looked at me.

"Where are we going?!" Morgan asked with a mouth full of fruit and I laughed.

"Well I was thinking a little place called....the zoo!" I said and she squealed.

"I LOVE THE ZOO!" She screamed and I smiled.

"I know I was told." I said and she smiled. Pepper then looked at me and handed me a credit card.

"Tony got you your own card. It's all for whenever you guys are out. Whatever you and Morgan want, you and Morgan get within reason." Pepper said and we laughed.

"So I shouldn't buy her, her own pony?" I asked in a whisper.

"No, that would be in reason according to Tony." She said and we laughed. Once I finished my fruit bowl I made me and Morgan finished we got up to leave.

"Okay little lady, ready to go?" I asked and she nodded. I got her up from her chair and we went to leave but Morgan stopped.

"Uncle Steve?" Morgan asked in a small voice.

"Yeah?" Steve asked.

"Would you like to come with us?" Morgan asked and I looked at her in shock and then looked at Steve. He looked at me.

"If you would like to come you can. It looks like Morgan would like you to join her." I said and Steve sighed.

"And what about you? Will you be okay if I come?" Steve asked. I shrugged.

"I'm impartial. Come, don't come. We leave in 5 minutes." I said as Morgan and I walked away to go get some sunscreen and stuff. Steve looked at everyone in the kitchen.

"What are you waiting for?" Bucky said and Steve rushed up and headed towards the door. Once Morgan and I reached the car to start loading up Steve was joining us.

"Am I still invited on this zoo adventure?" Steve asked and I smiled and Morgan squealed.

"I would say so." I said and loaded Morgan in her booster seat. I then tossed the keys to Steve.

"You drive Captain." I said and he gave a small smile as we both got in the car. 

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