Chapter 6

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Once we arrived at the facility Steve went to get out when he parked.

"I know you hate me right now and don't want to listen to me but I need you and Morgan need to stay in the car." I said placing my hand on Steve's forearm and he just looked at me.

"Holly..." Steve said.

"Steve...please." I said giving a side glance to Morgan.

"She doesn't need to see this." I said and he sighed but half nodded and then shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry Holly, I want to go in with you and Morgan will be fine." Steve said and I groaned. I looked back at Morgan.

"Hey, no matter what happens in there just know you are safe okay?" I said to her and she nodded. We all got out of the car and headed inside. As I took the elevator to her floor Steve saw me tapping my foot.

"Hey..." He said and I just ignored him. As I got off the elevator I was met by nurse Hunter.

"About time you get here." She said and I hear my mother screaming and I groaned and went running.

"You didn't say it was this bad on the phone!" I yelled as I ran. Once I reached her room I saw 3 male nurses holding her down.

"Mama!" I yelled and she seemed to stop fighting for a minute.

"Let her go!" I yelled at the attendings.

"We had to hold her down for our safety ma'am." The one guy said to me.

"Let...her...go...I am here now." I said and she stopped fighting and they slowly let go but didn't leave the room. I sat on the edge of the bed and she looked at me.

"Holly?" She asked in shocked.

"Yeah mama, it's me." I said and held her hand and she flinched. I looked at her wrists and saw they were bruised.
"What the hell is this?" I asked and nurse Hunter looked at me.

"We had her in restraints before you got here and she fought them and ended up breaking them." Nurse Hunter said and I groaned.

"Mama, do they always put you in restraints?" I asked and she started crying and I pulled her into a hug.

"What the hell?!" I asked nurse Hunter.

"She had been really out of control lately looking for your father and she has become combative." Nurse Hunter said. As I held my mom I felt her tense up and I knew what was about to happen.

"Mama, please stay calm." I said she pulled away from me and looked in my face.

"You aren't my daughter, my daughter is dead, she would never put me in place like this." Ella said and I groaned.

"Come on stop!" I yelled loosing my temper.

"I'm your daughter! I'm back! I'm alive! Daddy is dead! Stop this!" I yelled and she just looked at me.

"Miss Adams!" I heard nurse Hunter yelled but I ignored her. I gripped my mother shoulders.

"Look at me! Look in my eyes!" I yelled and she did but I could tell hers were cold and dark. My mother really was gone. I hung my head as some tears fell.

"Has she been getting her meds?" I asked and looked at the nurse who was looking at the floor.

"Her meds?!" I yelled.

"Well we have been short recently and haven't been able to give them to her constantly." Nurse Hunter said and I groaned.

"Why didn't you call me?! I could have gotten them for her!" I yelled. I then was hyper aware of Steve being there, I had total forget he was with me. I tried not to look at him.

"Well we have them now and everything should be fine." Nurse Hunter said. I looked at Ella, my mom.

"Can you please calm down for them now? What if I stayed the rest of the day?" I asked and smiled at and she gave a small smile.

"You should go get you dad and then we can have a picnic." Ella asked. I hung my head.

"Mama...." I said and she groaned.

"Don't back sass me young lady!" Ella said flipping her attitude and smacked me across my face. She went to hit me again but the orderlies stepped in and started holding her down.

"MAMA!" I yelled and she didn't stopped. I noticed a nurse come walking in with a syringe of something and inject it in my mom.

"What was that?!" I asked and Nurse Hunter sighed.

"A mild sedative." Nurse Hunter said and I groaned but nodded. After a few minutes my mom was laying down and falling asleep.

"Ms. Adams, I think we need to talk about the possibility of sending your mother somewhere else better equipped. This out burst was strike 3." Nurse Hunter said and I groaned.

"Yeah I know." I said as the orderlies left and I sighed.

"I'll give you a few days." Nurse Hunter said and walked out. I sat down in a chair and placed my head in my hands. I felt a hand on shoulder and I slightly jumped but look up and saw Steve standing there holding his phone out to me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Holly, it's Tony. Let me speak you just listen. Steve called and told me what was going on with your mother, I also know this wasn't all on her and the medical staff where she is, is incompetent and I am looking into all of their licenses. I already have the best medical team on their way to pick her up and they are moving her to one of the best medical facilities in New York City. She is going to get the best care and have everything she ever needs. Pepper and I want to do this for you, you have enough to worry about, affording care for her at a shitty place shouldn't be part of it. I am working with her doctor now getting everything transferred over to my doctors. Everything is being taken care of Holly." Tony said and I just started crying harder.

"Tony, it's so much...." I said.

"I wont hear it Holly. It's all done. Come back to the compound, everything will be fine and we can go see your mom tomorrow." Tony said and I just cried. Steve took the phone from me.

"Yeah, see you soon." Steve said and hung up.

"Holly, come on." Steve said and I stood up. I walked over and kissed my mom on her cheek.
"I promise it will get better." I whispered and then walked out. I notice Steve is carrying Morgan and she reaches for me so I take her. As I walked out I pass the nurses getting their asses handed to them but a couple other nurses, Tony's I could imagine. Once we got to the car Morgan looked at me.

"Can you sit with me?" Morgan asked and I nodded. I went to get in the back but Steve grabbed my hand and stopped me. He released my hand and placed it on my cheek where I was smacked and ran his thumb over the cheek. I leaned into his touch for a minute and then went to back away not wanting to fall, he dropped his hand from my cheek, grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. I started crying when he held me knowing I had so many emotions. Steve held me a little longer until I calmed down and once I did I pulled away and looked at Steve.

"I'm sorry about all of this." I asked and Steve shook his head.

"It's okay Holly. Get in, lets go home." Steve said and I nodded and get in the back and lean my head on Morgan's shoulder and held her hand. On the ride back to the compound I fell asleep. 

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