Your Idiot (Sean×fem reader)

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Sean Macguire × Female reader

About:You and Sean were captured by bounty hunters but lucky enough Sean's gang comes to save him and you join them for Sean's return party.

1000 words


You and Sean were being transported by some jack-ass bounty hunters. You had given up by now and just listened to whatever you were ordered to do. Sean on the other hand was still kicking up a fuss and fighting back. He was quickly put to silence by hit to the gut though.

Now here you were next to Sean, upside-down, tied to a tree branch by your feet. Fun.

"Y'know Y/N, you're still pretty from this view." Sean said, looking at you with a big stupid smile on his face.

"Oh shut up you Irish bastard." You said, coldly. You just wanted to get out of this hell hole.

"Ah' don't say that, I know you like me." Sean said giving you a wink. "See look! you're blushing!" He said while chuckling.

"That's the blood rushing to my head ya idiot!" You said. You honestly didn't know if you were blushing or if that was the blood rushing to your head.

"Well-" Sean started but was cut off but the growing sound of gunshots and yelling. "I told ya, bastards, they'd come!" Sean yelled out as soon as he saw a man approaching.

"Your gon-" You started to scold him but was soon cut off by him falling to the ground shortly followed by you.

As soon as you recovered from landing on your head you worked on trying to untie the ropes bounding your ankles and wrists together. After every one of those bounty hunting bastards were dead, a man with dirty blonde hair came up to you and cut the ropes for you, then went to go help Sean.

"Y'know you're a lot less ugly from that other angle Arthur." Sean joked while, who you presumed was Arthur, cut the ropes bounding Sean. A man with dark skin and long black hair helped you up and made sure you were okay.

"Come on." Arthur said while pulling Sean up and dusting him off.

"Do I get a hug, Arthur?" Sean said, holding his arms out. "A warm embrace for a lost brother, now found?" Sean said, which made you snicker quietly.

"Nothing means more to me than this gang." Arthur said putting a hand on Sean's shoulder. "The bond we share. It's the most realistic thing to me. I would kill for I would happily die for it... But in spite of all that I would have easily left you here to rot if Charles hadn't stopped me." He said, making you laugh but this time more noticeably.

"Oh shut up Y/N." Sean said walking over to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

"I was wondering who she was." A Mexican man with a bowler hat said, looking at you and Sean.

"Why this is Y/N L/N, She's been my cellmate for the past few weeks." Sean said tightening his grip on your shoulders. "I was wondering if she could come stay wit us for a bit." Sean said letting you go and walking towards Arthur.

Sean had talked about you joining the Van Der Linde gang. You never really gave him a straight answer, but you guessed you would join them since you didn't have anywhere else to go, not to mention the bounty on your head.

"You're going to have to ask Dutch about that." The man that helped you up earlier said while mounting his horse.

"Right, we should split up." Arthur said, getting everyone's attention. "Javier, will you escort Mr.Maguire back to camp. Charles would you take Ms.L/N to camp and get her acquainted with Dutch. Be careful there's patrols everywhere." Arthur directed everyone. He seemed like an older brother to the others.

Sean followed the Mexican man to his horse and the man who helped you up motioned you to come with him. On the way to the camp, you had been told the men who saved you names.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Once you all had arrived at their camp, Charles directed you to a large, white tent in the center of camp. There, Sean was already there waiting for you, talking with who you assumed was the infamous Dutch Van Der Linde.

"Ah, so you must be Y/N. I've heard a lot about you in the five minutes that Sean has been here." Dutch said, holding his hand out for you to shake.

"And you must be the infamous Dutch Van Der Linde. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." You said shaking his hand.

"I've been talking with Sean here and he's convinced me to let you join the gang. Only if you're okay with joining of course." Dutch said letting go of your hand and turning to Sean. "Mr.Maguire would you so kindly take Ms.L/N to Ms.Grimshaw to get a change of clothes." Dutch said, walking out of the tent.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

You were sitting at the campfire, next to Sean, sipping on a whiskey. You were watching everyone dancing. Molly and Dutch were dancing and Arthur and Mary-Beth were dancing. You could tell that the two couples were different. Mary-Beth and Arthur's dancing was strictly platonic but Molly and Dutch's was flirty and playful. Well, Sean seemed to notice you looking because the next thing you knew Sean is dragging you over to dance with him.

Sean had you against his chest and he was clumsily dancing since he was kind of drunk, but he was trying at least.

"Your such an idiot Sean." You said, chuckling slightly while laying your head on his shoulder.

"Well can I at least be your idiot?" He said, also chuckling.

"You can be my Idiot any day, Sean." You said in a state of pure happiness, that only grew when you felt Sean kiss your head.


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