Micah catch up

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I've made the decision to add Micah into the scenarios, so he will be added to any scenario I write from here on out.

Micah will mostly call you mocking nicknames or nicknames he know will piss you off, like how he calls Arthur 'Black Lung'. He'll call you shit like 'Princess' or something to do with your appearance, as long as it makes you mad.

How they hug you:
Micah's not really a hugger, so when you to actually do hug its short and distant. The only time he may actually hug and be somewhat lovey is when he's drunk.

They're favorite part about you:
Physically? He is in love with your hips. Whether he's grabbing them to pull you into a kiss, grabbing them to pull you onto his lap or pinning them down with his, he loves them. Big or small? He doesn't care.
Non-Physically? Micah's never really had someone truly love and care about him the way you do. He really appreciates how much you care for him.

I really don't see Micah ever taking you on an actual date. He'd probably just take you to a br and get drunk with you.

You get hurt:
Micah probably wouldn't care that much. Yea, he'd be worried, but he'd know you'd survive whatever your hurt by. If it's really bad though he'd be by your side and be worrying constantly, but he hides it well.

When you cry:
Micah is not all that familiar with emotions, so he has no idea what to do. Now, if someone made you cry you best bet that they will regret it before long. Micah just cups your face and asks you what happened.
"Tell me who did this."

Cute things they do:
Whenever you two are sleeping together he loves waking up before you in the morning so he can appreciate how beautiful and peaceful you look when you're asleep and wrapped in his arms.

Micah is horrible in arguments. He will scream and yell at you over small things and throw stuff across the room. I don't think he'd hit you, but he'd get really close to it, like raising his fist and getting up into your face.

Random headcannons:
•Baylock is the only living thing he cares about.
•Had a lion stuffed animal when he was little.
•Knows how to play the flute for literally no reason.

Modern AU headcannons:
•Was a band kid
•ONLY drinks Dr.pepper and nothing else.

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