Trelawny Catch Up.

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I don't care that I just did a Micah catch up, my man Trelawny needs some love. Also, somebody requested him.

He calls you elegant and fancy nicknames he's heard at all the fancy galas he's been to. His personal favorite is Damsel.

How they hug you:
He loves to just wrap his arms around you, randomly, and lay his head in the crook of your neck.

They're favorite part about you:
physically? He adores your hands. The first time he met you he'd gently taken your hand and kissed it and now he does it every time he sees you. He'd definitely kiss your hand and then randomly pull you into a ballroom dance.
Non-physically? He loves everything about you. You asked him once and he literally listed off everything he could think of.

He'd take you to some fancy ass party and take you on a shopping spree before. You'll never know where he gets the money to spoil you so much, but you appreciate it. He would also take you to some really fancy restaurants and let you get whatever you want off the menu.

You get hurt:
Trelawny will be by your side as much as he possibly can be.  He'll stop going on missions, he'd barely leave camp, and he'll do anything your little heart wants. If someone hurt you, let's just say Trelawny has a few friends that they'd not want to meet.

When you cry:
He will do whatever it takes to cheer you up. You are his #1 priority the moment you two get into a relationship. Anything you want he'll get you it and more. Now Trelawny is a man of elegant words but if someone were to make you cry, he'd say some not so elegant words to the person.

Cute things they do:
He kisses your hand every time you two meet. Doesn't matter if you've been apart for days, hours, or even minutes he will always gently take your hand and kiss the back of it, without fail. Also, anytime he takes you shopping for clothes for a con or anything, whenever you show him whatever you picked out, he will praise you, and tell you that you look stunning and handsome.

Trelawny is very calm and composed in arguments, he usually never yells at you but if it got really heated, he might raise his voice. Trelawny would never hit you, he wouldn't even think of hurting you.

Random headcannons:
• He has worn a corset before, and he looked amazing but didn't like the fit of the corset, so he stopped wearing it.
•You gave him a piece of your jewelry once, just a simple gift... he hasn't taken it off since.
•You once sneaked behind him and scared him and he accidentally slapped the shit out of you. He wouldn't stop apologizing for three days.

Modern AU headcannons:
•He dresses too formal for every occasion.
•Spends way too much money on clothes he doesn't even wear.
•Finds exploits on shopping websites and uses them to the max.

When they're jealous:
He doesn't get jealous very easily, simply because he just trusts you, but if someone were to make him jealous he'd try to flaunt how much of a better partner he'd be than them. He'd buy you something expensive, call you all sorts of fancy nicknames, and just generally act all posh and rich.

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