What a coincidence (Lenny×Reader)

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Lenny Summers × Gender-neutral Reader

About: You were separated from the gang in Blackwater and they were already gone when you got to Valentine. Lucky enough though you happen to hear some familiar voices.

770 words



You were walking towards the Valentine bar when you heard a commotion going on from inside the bank. You looked through the windows as best as you could and sure enough, there was a robbery going on. You were going to just walk away, but then you heard a familiar voice yell something. You looked through the window again and saw who you were pretty sure was Karen.

You had been a part of the Van Der Linde gang and was there with them for the Blackwater massacre but you got separated from them when everything went down. By the time you got to Valentine, they were gone. You sure knew it was them who shot up the place though and now here they were, back and robbing the bank.

You put your bandanna over your face and upholstered your guns. There was no way you were gonna let them get away again. You just casually walked through the door as if you belonged there. Karen immediately had her gun aimed at your head.

"Well, that's not how you treat an old friend Karen" You said, while Karen studied you for a moment then realized who you were and immediately lowered her gun.

"What the fuck are you doing, Karen?" Lenny nearly yelled from the corner of the room. Karen didn't respond to him. She just gave you a quick hug and went back to robbing. Lenny searched your face for just a few seconds and realized who you were. "Well, what a coincidence." He says, looking at you for a little longer before going back to holding up the witness.

Before long Arthur and Bill rushed into the main room, yelling about how they needed to go now. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw you. Arthur knew almost immediately it was you but Bill seemed to take a moment to figure it out but he realized eventually. Before you knew it you were riding out the place with lawmen hot on your trail. Thankfully you all made it out alive and somewhat unharmed.

"That was fun. I haven't had that rush of adrenaline since Blackwater happened." You said while pulling your bandanna down and laughing.

"That was stupid and dangerous." Arthur said, tossing some money to Lenny, Bill, and Karen. "And speaking of dangerous, where have you been Y/N?" Bill said as Arthur tossed you a stack of money.

"Been moving around, looking for you lot. I was about to leave Valentine but heard a commotion coming from the bank." You explained, counting your money.

"Well, it's great to have you back. Lenny take Y/N to camp and make sure you're not followed." Arthur said before mounting his horse and riding off.

You got onto your horse and followed Lenny to the new camp location. On the way, Lenny explained what they were doing there and how they were playing both families and caught you up on all that's happened since Blackwater. When you two arrived at camp and dismounted your horses Lenny grabbed your hand a practically dragged you across the camp

"Dutch! Look who we found!" Lenny yelled out, excitement in his voice. Dutch walked out of his tent looking annoyed and muttering something under his breath about Molly.

"Yes, Mr.Sum- Well, Y/N welcome back." Dutch said, clearly caught off guard by your reappearance, but still giving you a smile.

"It feels good to be back." You said. Offering Dutch a smile as well. You were kinda scared of Dutch though. You had been on the ferry with him and saw him kill that girl. You know Micah had pressed him to do it but it was still scary. You'd never seen him kill like that.

Dutch decided that throwing a party would be a good idea to celebrate your safe return. You were by the campfire being annoyed by Sean.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"C'mon Y/N, you gotta make a big speech." Sean said, already drunk. He's been annoying you about how you have to make a speech for your big return for the past few minutes.

"Sean I don-" you started but was cut off.

"Y/N will you dance with me?" Lenny said while holding his hand out to you, nervously.


I'm really sorry it's short and not that good. I've had really bad writer block recently and I've not been doing well.

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