That Italian bastard (Dutch×Reader)

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Dutch Van Der Linde × Female Reader

About: You're Bronte's 'adopted' daughter but you're situation was like Jack's where someone just gave you away to him. Bronte is horrible to you and Dutch, Arthur and John can see that. Dutch decides to do something about it.


You were sitting on your bed and reading a book for about the thousandth time because Angelo refused to buy you more. Suddenly you heard a commotion going on outside. You walked over to your window, wondering who Angelo pissed off this time.

There were three men pointing guns to the guards to force themselves in the mansion and of course Angelo invited them in to talk things through. You closed your book and put it down on your desk and walked out of your room, closing the door behind you. You crept down the stairs and peeked into the living room from behind an archway.

Suddenly you felt something pulling on the skirt of your dress. You turned around to see Jack looking up at you with his big, brown eyes. Jack was given to Bronte by some rich assholes who said something about a gang playing them.

"Y/N I'm hungry." Jack whined, catching the attention of the men in the living room. You shush him but it was already too late.

"Jack?" A man with a raspy voice said "son is that you?" He said, sounding surprised and getting out of his seat. You took a deep breath and grabbed Jack's hand. You stepped away from your hiding spot infront of the men, holding Jack's hand.

The man with slicked back, black hair eyed you up and down while the one with the raspy voice ran up and hugged Jack. Angelo looked at you with a glare.

"Escuse me for a moment gentlemen I have to speak with my daughter." Angelo said through gritted teeth. Angelo got up and grabbed your arm tightly. He dragged you to the backyard and started yelling at you.

You just sat there and took it with your head hanging low. You slightly looked up at the glass door to see the men looking at you and Bronte through it. This was humiliating. Suddenly Bronte backhanded you hard and you fell to the ground, tears falling down your now red cheek.

You quickly got up and ran off somewhere into the house passing a living room full of surprised faces. You locked yourself in your room and just sat against the door. After a long moment you heard a knock on the door

"Y/N?" You heard Jack say, worried. "Are you alright?" He said. You could hear his name being called by that man.

"I'm alright, Jack. J-just go to your daddy. I'll be alright." You said trying to hold it together as best as you could. You heard his little footsteps grow further and further away till you couldn'thear them anymore.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

It's been awhile since those men visited and Jack's been gone ever since. He was really your only friend since Angelo won't let you talk to the street kids and most of the men who come to the mansion are just some rich assholes.

You were reading the last chapter of your book when you heard yet another commotion from outside. But this time it was gunshots. Alot of gunshots. You stood up from the bed. Suddenly the gunshots stopped. For a few seconds you thought you were in the clear but then you heard doors being kicked open and before you could think your door was wide open.

A dark skinned man with a gun pointed at you was now standing in your door way. You instinctively backed up and put your hands up. Unfortunately you triped on the book your dropped earlier and fell

"Dutch there's a girl here!" The man yelled out, not looking away from you. Soon the same man with slicked back, black hair from before walked into the room. You just stayed still, scared for your life.

"Good to see you again Ms..?" The man said, trying to get your name.

"Y/N. Y/N Bronte." You said nervously, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"Dutch." The man said, introducing himself. "Lenny why don't you go check on the others?" Dutch dismissed who you presumed was Lenny and walked over to you. Dutch offered his hand to you and you hesitantly put your hand in his and he swiftly pulled you up from your spot on the floor.

"Come with us and we'll take care of you." Dutch said leading you out of the house. "Change of plans. Arthur take Y/N here to the camp by horse." Dutch announced and a man with dirty blonde hair took you outside to his horse, mere moments before the police showed up.


Have a good day/night ♡

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