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Will was exhausted. It didn't help that nobody had seen Nico, or even heard of him. He had gone home after the first week of searching, but after a few more weeks, he felt even more uneasy. More sleepless nights. More stupid daydreams of Nico's drunk words and how he looked in those black jeans. God, Will could not catch a break. And when he finally came back to try again, he still made no progress. At this point, he was starting to think he made Nico up. 

Will exhaled sharply through an open mouth. "Holy crap."

There the pale boy was. Just sitting there, nonchalantly playing something on his phone. In his car. Will's car. Will pinched himself. 
The car door opened with a click and Nico's harsh brown eyes flickered up. They landed on Will's. "You look like hell." He looked back down.

"You don't look any better." Will responded, still a little dazed at the situation. He could, however, tell that there was something troubling the boy sitting next to him. His eyes were tired, and as much as he tried to hide it, a little scared, too. Nico clicked his tongue. 

"Whatever. I only came here for one thing, so my appearance doesn't really matter I guess." Will had no idea where this conversation was going. "I already told you everything, alright? There's nothing else. I admitted to being all creepy and taking advantage of you and everything. So you don't have to worry about me bothering you. Can you leave me alone now?"

"Leave... you alone?"

"Yeah, alone. I know you've been trying to find me. That's a lot of effort just to get closure or tell me off or whatever it is you want to do. Anyway, like I said, you can stop, so go home." His tone was harsh, but he didn't look up from his game. Will felt a sharp pain in his chest as he watched his friend so easily say words that hurt them both. 

"Stop? Closure? Neeks, what are you talking a-"

"Don't. Don't call me that. I'm leaving. Don't look for me again." He slammed the car door shut behind him, and Will was left to watch his figure stalk away. The whole interaction had been a little too fast for him to follow. What did Nico think he was trying to do? God Nico- Nico was walking away right now! He'd never find him if he didn't go now! Will sprung into action, leaving the car door open as he chased after his friend. His best friend. "Nico!" He grabbed Nico's wrist, pulling them both to a sharp halt. "What are you-?" Nico spat, but Will interrupted him. 

"Look," He took a few breaths. "I'm not here for closure, or to yell at you, or to call you gross. I-" Suddenly he realized he didn't actually know why he was here. "I'm here because... after you left, even after everything you said, I-" Nico was frowning. "I don't know, Nico. I don't know anything. I just know that I really, really missed you. I missed you a lot, and I didn't know what to do with myself-" 

"Shut up." The confusion in Nico's eyes had hardened- what was that? Resentment? Will's grip on his wrist loosened at the realization. "You don't actually miss me. You just feel bad for me. You're way too nice of a guy. You just overthought about my confession and convinced yourself that maybe it wouldn't be too bad after all. Out of guilt. That maybe you could just learn to live with me, for my sake. That's what happened. You don't need me, Will, and you don't miss me. I may have used you, but I apologized, and I'm trying to stay out of your way. I won't let you use me, too." 

"I- I'm not trying to use you! I swear!" Will's words fell on deaf ears, though, as Nico had snatched his hand back and turned away. 

"Go home. Don't come back."

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