A Change For The Good

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Hey! Pokelegend2k22 here. I am here with a new story based on Pokemon. And yeah I don't own the images and Pokemon (obviously (-_-') )
So let's start with our story...

We are here in the meeting room of most prestigious and popular school of the Kalos Region The Kalos High . But it looks like the teacher are discussing something important let's see what it is .

"Thank you all for coming in today's meeting" a middle aged man with black curly hair spoke

"No problem with that but why have you called the meeting , Sycamore?" the white hair professor asked

"I was coming to that prof Rowan" he answered "Well as we all know our school is popular in Kalos region"

"Yeah, it is the best school in Kalos" a woman with honey coloured hair said

"You are right prof. Juniper but I want our to be more than that"

"What do you mean" prof oak asked

"I mean like our school I want our students to be the best"

"Not only you we all want that but what you want to say exactly"prof Elm asked curiously.

"All I want to say is I want our students to be best in all regions so do any of you have any ideas about that?"

All the prof. started thinking about how can they make their students best.

"How about we use some new gadgets to teach the students" prof Elm suggested.

"Hmm that is a good idea we will work on it soon"prof Sycamore confirmed "Any other ideas" everyone shook their heads but prof. Juniper was thinking something.

"What are you thinking prof. Juniper"prof oak asked.
"I have an idea" she said with a visible  excitement on her face.

"Please tell us what is it "*raise an eyebrow*prof. Rowan asked seeing the female prof. excited.

"Well how about we exchange Student"she answered. Everybody grew interested.

"What do you exactly mean by that prof. "

"I mean exchanging the students from other regions school so our students will be able to learn more about the region and not to say if the student is far more excellent then he will be the inspiration other students"she explained. Every teacher sitting there was impressed about the thought.

"Marvelous absolutely marvelous that is the best idea prof.  Juniper. What do you all say ?"everybody nodded in agreement.

"Yeah it is a very good idea why didn't I thought about that "prof. Oak said.

"So it's settled that we are transferring a student from some other region. But the question is who and from where"

"Yesssss!!!!" prof. Juniper yelled.

"Woah woah prof calm down why are you soo excited about this"

"Becaaause i know the perfect student for this. He is the right one for this." She said.

"So this all was because so you can bring that kid to the school??" Prof Elm asked. Prof Juniper stuck her tongue out a bit everyone sighed.

"But thats not all because he is a great trainer and he is in Alola Pokemon school the region is not known that much so he can be help other than that he will influence all the other students from his skill" she said while exclaimed.

"You have done some research about this kid I will too and then i will send the request letter to the principal of the school. Let's see how good is that kid."prof. Sycamore said.

"You will not be disappointed"she said confidently.

"You are so confident about him"prof Elm stated.

"You bet"

"So is there anything else"prof. Oak asked

"You are forgetting one thing .Who will we send?"prof.  Rowan asked

"Hmm........that how about Drew"prof Elm suggested.

"Yeah I think his complaints are increasing day by day and he just disturb the class and the students"prof. Rowan said

"So it settled we are sending drew and getting a brilliant boy like prof. Juniper said so at last it's a good deal "prof. Sycamore said which putting a finger on his chin at last. Everybody nodded.

"So we conclude the Meeting here thank you for coming"he finished. Everyone started to go out while prof. Juniper is thinking something

'the school is going to be the best now I hope you don't disappoint me and I know you will not ' she smiled and thought.

Location Alola

A tanned middle aged man with lab coat and a cap on his head was walking towards the principal room.

"Hello sir may I come"he asked while knocking on the door and opening it a little.

"Oh Kukui please come"the principal replied.

"Sir we have a mail from Kalos high school"

"What is it about?"

"It is about the exchanging of student of the schools to improve the knowledge of both schools about the each other region" prof. Kukui said "here see this" he said while holding him the copy of mail.

" Hmm it's a good idea " he said while reading

"But sir there is a problem"prof. Said

"What?"principal asked

"They know our best student and have asked for him "he replied

"You mean him" he said a little shocked.

"Yes they have asked for.....



So that conclude our first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. 

What will happen when Ash will go to Kalos ?? Keep reading to know

Thankyou for reading
Signing out  ;)

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