The Farewell And New Start

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Location:- Kalos

"Hey sweetie want to go out after school " a green haired coordinator asked.

"Drew how many times i have to say NO" a very irritated honey blonde haired girl yelled.

"Oh Serena I know you want to go with me" he said with a mischievous smile.

"Drew just leave her alone" a brown haired girl said annoyed.

"Ok I will leave her so will you come with me Shauna"

"Eww no way!!!" She yelled.

"Come on both of y-" he was cut of by a waist-length blonde albino haired girl.

"Drew the principal have called you right now " she said saving her two friends from the grasshead.

"Ok....i will meet you later ladies" he said while walking off.

"Thankyou Astrid for saving us from him"the two girl said at Same time.

"Don't worry we are friends and it's good we don't have to handle him anymore" she said sighing.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked

"He is being exchanged from a student from Alola region"

"I hope is is better than him "

"Yeah as far as i have listened he is a great boy"

"Really!!it is good to know" a pink haired girl said while coming with a group of friends.

"Hi guys! Hi Aria" the girls greeted.

"Hii"they replied.

"So he is really going "asked Gary Oak the grandson of Prof. Oak

"Yeah he is what a relief"Miette said

"Only if the new student is good and not like him" said the inventor Clemont.

( So the group is like that- Serena,Shauna,Miette,Aria,Astrid,Gary, Clemont,Trevor,Tierno)

"Yeah i hope he is not " Trevor said

"We will see it tomorrow" Astrid said


"Yeah we are assigned to drop Drew and take new boy to school and guide him"

"Oh I see I am in"Gary said

"We too" everybody said.

"Okay so it's settled we will go to take the new kid "


Location- Alola

"Hey do you really have to go" a white dressed girl asked sadly.

"Yeah it is a great opportunity for me to improve myself and I will fulfill my work I am being send for ,to be an inspiration for other students and also prof. Juniper has a lot of expectations from me" a raven haired boy said "well i have to pack i will meet you at airport ok? You will come to drop right?" He asked while laughing.

"Ofcourse dummy"green haired mallow said

"Okay bye" he said while leaving

"Can't we stop him" the students asked their teacher

"We shouldn't he has done a lot for us all ,we are is because of him now we should support him rather than holding him back. It is very good opportunity for him to study in a great school and see new region I am also sad but we should cheer him than being sad"the teacher replied.

"Yeah we will always cheer him no matter what" Kiawe said and everybody agreed.

"Let's go we have to drop him to airport tomorrow morning so we should go and rest" Everybody started leaving. The prof. looked towards the sky.

'You are the best ash you have inspired them so much do the same in kalos. I will miss you' he thought with a sad smile.


"So it's a goodbye now" ash said sadly to leave his friends.

"Good luck Ash and don't forget us okay" Lillie and Lana said

"No I would never forget anyone of you"
"We are still rivals you know" Kiawe said and Gladion also nodded.

"You bet" he replied with a smirk.

" I am gonna miss you so much " said prof. Burnet while crying.

"Dont cry prof. otherwise I won't be able to leave" ash said

"Yeah he is right Burnet wish him good luck and Ash you are like our son so you are always welcome"prof. Kukui said with proud face that his son-like student is grown very much.

"Yeah i know " he said while hugging both Burnet and Kukkui soon everybody joined the group hug.

All the passengers are requested to check in the flight is going to leave 

They broke the group hug and Ash Said " I will miss you all"

"We are with you as no matter what remember that " ash nodded and run to catch his flight but before turning and yelling"GOOD BYE EVERYONE". Soon after we see the flight take off.

"So buddy are you ready for a new adventure" he asked his partner Pikachu
"Pika pi Pikachu" he nodded.


"Hey buddy look it's Kalos" he said while looking out of plane window.

Please fasten your seatbelts we are ready to land

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Please fasten your seatbelts we are ready to land

"Kalos here we comeee" he said pumping his fist with Pikachu copying.


So that's the 2nd chapter hope you enjoyed   next ch will be arrival of Ash and start of a new adventure. What new action and adventure are waiting for ash Read to find out.

Hoped you enjoyed

Signing out (◠‿◕)

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