First Day Adventures

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Astrid POV

We are in our homeroom. Prof Oak is teaching us about Pokemon evolutions. I looked to my side to look at Ash. He was listening carefully in the class not like me nahh but i am not wrong ,..looking at him is more relaxing than attending the class. But i don't want detention so i started paying attention in the class.

"So this is all" prof. Oak said putting down the chalk and picking up some papers. ' oh shit i forgot'

"So i hope you are ready for the test i told you" he said. Everyone was groaning. But wait what about Ash.

" But sir Ash is new he didn't knew about it" said Serena. I think she was thinking the same.

"Oh yes ash you can drop the test" he said.

"No prof. I will be fine" we all looked at him like he was insane he was give chance to drop the test and he declined.

"Are you sure? You are so LUCKY Ash " said Gary. Ash just shrugged.

" Okay then let's start the test " prof. Oak said.
It was only about less than 15 mins and I looked at ash who stood up and handed over the paper to prof. who looked quite amazed himself. He then walked out of the class.

After completing the test prof. Oak was checking the papers and are the students were talking about the test.

"I am going to fail i think" Tierno said

"Me too." Said Trevor

" I think i will get good marks " Said Gary.

" I was okay I guess " I said. Serena and other girls nodded.

"The test was quite easy" everyone looked at ash with ' are you serious' look.

" Okay class the results are ready." Prof. Oak said getting everyone attention.

"Tierno -70
Trevor - 78
Shauna - 82
Miette - 84
Aria -87
Serena- 84
Astrid -86
Gary - 88
Clemont- 87

"Looks like I got the highest. " Said gary proudly.

"Wait .......sir how much marks ash got " i asked curious.

" Yeah i would like you to appreciate Ash who got the highest marks of 100".

Everyone was shocked still clapped for Ash who just scratched back of his head. Gary was totally jawdropped.

"Okay students see you in next class." Prof. Oak said. All the students walked out of the class.

"How the hell did you got full marks Ash" asked Gary..Ash just shrugged.

" Oh yeh...ash ain't you from Alola so why did you said Kanto" I asked.

"Oh that i was in Alola for vacations from my travels then i found the school so i thought of entering it " he replied.

"Which class do you have next" Aria asked.

" Ah. I have English".

"Perfect me too let's go" said Miette dragging him with her. 'lucky'


It was lunch time and we were in cafeteria waiting for Ash and Miette. Just then they came but. ... Miette was clinging on his arm. I don't know why but it just hurt looking him like that with her.

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