The Attack

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And the winner of last chapter poll is Korrina!!!

also you guys don't vote or comment on the story. which made it boring to update the story and start losing interest. So its a request if you want story to be updated then please show that you are loving the story.


After having so much fun in the amusement park our heroes were now moving towards their next destination the lumoise tower.

They were walking and were making fun of each other about the time they had just spent today.

It was near evening and the sun was about to set.
"Guys I think we should hurry up the sun is setting already. " Said Paul looking at the sky.

While everyone was excited for the shining night. Ash's mind was caught up by some thoughts.

'Maybe I am just overthinking..... Or maybe not because Pikachu also has the same feeling and he is never wrong about that.' Ash thought while walking.

"Hey Ash" said Alain.

Ash looked up to see him. They were left a little behind from everyone.

"Yes Alain"

"Thinking about something? You were left behind and looked worried so I came to check you"

"Thanks Alain but I am fine "

" Really? After the blast we had today there is no way you will be worried about something "

" Yeah... You are right i don't know but I am getting a feeling that-"

" That something is going to happen tonight which might not be good for us right? "

" How did you? "

" Because I am getting the same feeling even Paul "

" What do you think might happen?"

" I don't really know I think I left out a little since we went to the forest I am having a lot of fun with you guys. I forgot about these things as they were kind of stopped i don't know how. but today I am getting this weird feeling"

Ash knew it was better how these things stopped.

" Yeah .. "

" But don't worry we are not some amateur we all are very good and powerful trainers we will handle if something happens "

" Yeah you are right " he smiled and relived a bit.

" Heyy you both Psyducks move your legs and come here fast " yelled Gary who was standing with the gang a little further.

"Coming " yelled back Alain.

They both started moving faster towards the gang.

'Yeah Alain is right we might be able to handle this and I have my Pokemons with me. Also the activities have stopped since that night at the base they ..........' Ash eyes widened in realisation.

'Team flare is a crime organisation They torture Pokemon and People... it means .... tonight.... fireworks....lot of people....and Pokemons....and near lumoise tower.' His mouth got a little open as he was now getting the plans of Team Flare.

' They need data for whatever project they are working and maybe they may find something in tower. Oh so they are going for two targets with one arrow. He lips then turned into a smirk . 'What a great day to be here. Let's do what we left '

"Guys hurry up. The last one is the rotten egg "Ash said and started running. Everyone catching up behind.


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