The New Beginning

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No one's POV

It was morning in the Kalos region. Let's see what our students are doing.

"Good morning" Gary shouted.

"Good morning"Clemont said.

"So everyone has waken up ...huh? Where is Ash?" Trevor asked

"I think he is still sleeping..he still has to adapt kalos time zone" Clemont said.

"Okay so let's wake him up." Tierno said

They were going to wake Ash up but stopped when they heard a knock .

"Coming" Trevor went to open the door to see the girls.

"Good morning Trevor" they said.

" Good morning guys but why are you all here " he asked

" That was mean" Astrid said

"Oh sorry.. please come" he said giving space for them to enter.

"Good morning guys" girls greeted

"Good morning girls " they greeted back.

"Hey ... where's Ash " Aria asked looking around the room.

" So you have come to see Ash in this early in morning ...?" Tierno said. All the girls blushed at this.

"N-no we woke up a little early so we thought to check you guys" Shauna said.

" You never did it before" Clemont said but was shut from the death glares he was getting.

"We were just going to wake him up" Gary said.

"Okay let's go" said Serena while running towards ash room followed by other girls. The boys just sweatdroped at this.

They went to Ash room but when they reached they saw the room empty.

(*The rooms are like this)

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(*The rooms are like this)

" Huh he is not here " said Miette.

" Where could he have gone at this time " said Clemont putting his finger on the chin.

"Let's go find him"said Serena.

"Um .....are you guys looking for me?" they turned to see Ash standing at the gate with sweat running from his forehead.

The girls were blushing as a tomato. While looking at him. 'he is so hot!!'

 'he is so hot!!'

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