The Midnight Adventure

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"Whattt!?? "He said shocked and confused.

"What the hell he is doing here" Ash said looking towards the screen.

He looked closely in the screen and got the room no.

He then went out of the cabin to go to that room but just when he left; in the screen he was looking at ,a middle aged man entered the room and stood next to the boy.

"So how much time do you need more to complete this" the man asked in an impatient manner. 

"It won't take long now dad it will be finished soon." the boy replied.

"It should... Once it is complete No one will stop I will Burn this world i will be invincible hahahahaa"

"but dad do you think this little base is enough?

"yes my son i have choose this place after lot of thinking."

"what made you think this base is enough in the middle of the jungle?"

"my son this project is very powerful and we cant put it in our factories it will be a very suspicious location. that's why i choose this jungle where there is no human ,no information about our project. "

he then looked towards the project blueprint infront of him.

"we will rule this world very soon my son. the project has reached 50%of completion I will increase the security here so no one could try to create a mess here"

"don't worry dad i wont let it happen while i am here. you know your son is a strong pokemon trainer. Although no one know this base and even if did he won't have the guts to enter"

"Well maybe you are wrong...." came a voice behind them.

They looked back and saw Ash standing there with his blaziken beside him,behind him was a hump of unconscious grunts.

"YOUUUU!!!!"yelled the boy.

" yess me Calem" Ash smirked.

"Son do you know this kid?"

"Yes Dad he is the ketchup i told you about"

" oh so you are the new student of my son's school"

"yes I am and who you might be?"

"me? i am the great Lysandre Xavier the richest and most successful person in kalos"

'Huh? lysandre the leader of team flarre' Ash thought.

" I wouldn't say it was nice meeting because you are going down now"

"hahahaha(evil laugh ) seriously kid do you think you can defeat me i appreciate that you were able to come here but you should go now its not kids game"

"we will see about that" ash said confidently and stood in fight position.

"I will take care of him dad dont worry"said calem  " go Talonflame" 

"a flying type against fighting type nice choice son"

" type disadvantage doesn't matter to us right budddy" said ash and blaziken nodded.

Calem-Lets see talonflame flame charge.

Ash - let it come.

Talonflame covered itself in flames of fire and launched towards blaziken, who stood confidently. Talonflame was about to hit blaziken.

Ash - jump!!!

Just when talonflame was about to hit , blaziken jumped and doughed the attack. Talonflame was right under blaziken.

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