Date Night

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      Harry was even more nervous than ever now he just learned that Hermonie had been meeting up with Luna and Snape. which he found out by eavesdropping because he had a gut feeling it wasn't the whole truth. but it wasn't Hemronie is seeing Draco's godfather, a teacher! someone 40 times her age. And running other people's homes she never expected this from his long-time friend. He speed-walked to the front garden in a hurry, thoughts in his mind about how disgusting hermonie was and how dreadful Snape was to touch her!

Harry felt his skin crawl at the thought of him with her someone he saw as a little sister. if hermonie went to this many lengths to feel free or have fun it makes him wonder what made her so displease with Pansy. But he knew better than to victim blame they all needed to sit and talk about this like adults they're all reaching nineteen some twenty they shouldn't be pulling little Schemes. Harry approached stone beams seeing Draco stand by a stone fountain vine traveling everywhere He smiled walking towards him in his vision and presence all issues faded

In his arms there was no darkness he walked up "Draco!" he stopped in front of them making sure to thank pansy, but he couldn't even look her in the eye after Pansy left them he gave Draco the bouquet of Pomila flowers "here you go" Draco gasped taking the flowers as he examines them nearly fighting tears "I haven't seen these in...forever" it was a special type of flower that grew only on the borders of his family home, they had the ability to heal if crushed with the right herbs

Pansy use to do with them all the time when he still was at the Manor Draco hugged harry his arms around his lover's neck. they locked arms and began to walk into Muggle town. Once they reached the polar Draco nearly screeched from excitement to see it was a 60's themed party for the anniversary of the opening "Harry everyone looks beautiful! he nearly screamed over the music clinging to his boyfriend so he wouldn't get lost in the many bumping sweaty bodies "Yeah I know me and my fathers come here every time! hey, there's the booth we sat at" without hesitation of Harry's realization Draco dragged them over to their table looping down next to his boyfriend.

A waiter appears to them "Hello welcome to the renewed Hermburgs ice cream Polar. how are you two tonight?" the waitress had a black and blue outfit with her golden hair tied into a flowing ponytail, tanned skin she had hazel eyes large breast and great thighs. She was a friend of Harry's, but Draco couldn't notice how Harry's eye lingered on her curves. The platinum blonde boy knew who she was but he hated how harry stared her down. "Um yes, I would have a Gin and Tonic" the girl winked "jut my choice, and you ma'am?"  the lady looked down at Draco "...I'm a male" the three of them laughed "I'm sorry I apologize what would you like?" Draco scanned for drinks, he wanted something fruity and fizzy not strong but enough to get him drunk where it wouldn't burn his throat.

"A pink Lemonade Margarita with the green fizzing pop rocks on the side" she nodded writing down "normal or dirty?" "um, dirty please" the woman nodded and walked off. Draco hooked his arms to his lover, leaning in on him "The night is already great." he sighed kissing harry's cheek "don't worry I have a whole memory lane for you to walk down tonight"  Draco stared at his lips wanting to kiss his lips until the waitress was back.

"Oh, Ello Lillith" she chuckled her chest moving as she let out her hearty laugh "here you go, Gin and Tonic, it's a neat so I hope you like it" she winked at the man with her pen and notepad in hand "your drink will be here soon, what would you two like to eat?" Draco looked at the menu "um, I don't know I'm not ready yet how about you harry?" Draco asked seeing his lover downing his drink. harry swallowed pausing his chug "um, what I want isn't exactly on the menu" Harry shared a look with Lillith eyeing her with lust, the woman flushed under his gaze as she cleared her throat. Neither of the two noticed Draco's plane deadpan.

"Well you're a friend could do you a solid and see what I can do" harry winked at her "could I have a Nacho Hat then?" Lilith smiled "ill see what I can do" she left the table and Draco pinched Harry's ear "ow!" "did you really just hit on her?" harry scoffed "what no! it's not like that and I'm sorry if it's come off that way I and her do that all the time because at the 60's party I never have anything off the menu" Draco flushed from embarrassment the eyeing was also probably a misreading thing.

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