Circle Table

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    The room was quite empty and tense, seven sets of eyes all staring each other down. Seven 18-year-old kids sitting at a circle table in the ROR. "So we all know why we're here," Harry said locking his hand together in front of him "who wants to go first?" you could hear in his voice how much he wasn't in the mood for games. 

"Ill- ill go mate.." ron strutted quietly only staring at his lap Hemronie shot him a glare with pursed lips "no you won't" she strangled out the worst in a harsh whisper towards his direction, the Echo of the room catching her whisky whispers of threats."Anyone is obliged to their side of the story" Draco spat out with a growl toward the woman who hurt his friend 

" started before Draco arrived. February 14th, I was planning on asking Semuas to be my valentines, despite his troubled relations with Theodore" Draco scoffed "Looks like all the Gryffindors are home wreckers!" he snarled at Luna and hermonie "troubled! I said Troubled relations" ron snapped in his own defense "Semuas the week before that Theodore and he had been having constant arguments and disagreements of the war last year" everyone's mood was Shooken by memories of all of the death

"I had a thing for a while now at that point so-" "you decide to him them where they were weakest?" Draco crossed his arms over his chest with anger "wait ron you're into guys?" harry asked his face scrunched into confusion "bi...I'm bi harry" Ron's face was flushed as he looked back down in his lap he didn't want them to find out like that. "and no, I decided to take my chance, if Semuas said no I would have respected it draco. that afternoon I met him in the garden and gave him so roses, with a chocolate frog" ron, laughed at the memory

"He asked what it was for and he gently refused. But we didn't let it ruin our friendship, that day I requested space and that was what I was given I had encouraged him to make things up with Theodore" ron was finally looking back up "I guess you weren't so bad" Draco mumbled "it's sweet, ya know how even after he said no you wished best for him" pansy smiled softly tilting her own head.

"Oh pansy, wish I could say it was to be a good friend, but it was for far more selfish reasons I wanted to see him and Theodore around each other all the time again because I couldn't bear seeing them apart like that it made me feel like I had a chance" everyone was quiet "Well, hermonie found out my feelings and i asked her to not tell, she didn't, another month had passed when Draco was finally back during that time where everyone was occupied with his new arrive Semuas had been telling me he no longer loved Theodore the same way he did before" ron cleared his throat his eyes getting foggy

"What!? he didn't" Harry felt his jaw drop at the normal high school drama, he knew this was bad but it was nice to have something not life-threatening happening around every corner. "Seamus kissed me that night Specifically March 2oth when we all found out about Draco's second 'mark' he also told me he loved me" there was silence.

" seems all to Deja Vu" luna clicked her teeth with a sigh everyone slight giving her a certain look. "Then there was sultan- I mean luna and ginny. they started having issues because luna was being distant and of course, she confided in me like a brother" everyone chuckled at his joke. "I asked luna what her deal was and she told me to shove off, two weeks later I decided to see what was up and I just so happened to have ginny bugging me an about homework that day" the two siblings looked at each other sad about the day and held each other hands across the table.

"Ginny should take it from here really" the girl sighed a small eyes were all on her some judgey others filled with sympathy. She felt her heart race but one look at he brother and all her problems turned to pixie dust and floated away "We went into the ROR to see Semuas shacking up with...Goyle who was bi-curious" ron felt his eyes fog again, harry noticed and laid his hand on top of Ron's, he knew how head over heels ron was for him before ron himself knew.

"ron was broken for weeks, especially that harry and everyone else was too occupied to notice. Luna was also being more distant by the minute, so I decide to go find her with ron and we couldn't find her anywhere. well before that ron was actually caught by me and hermonie two days prior in the library he had been cheating on professor Snapes test with a little potion he made" everyone gasped with chuckled or shocked faces 

"Wow gryfindos are just lying cheating scumbags" draco scoweld "hey! ron struggles with his dislexya and ADHD don't come at him for cheating" harry snapped at him "its not my fault he's fucking dumb?" draco crossed his arms piping up in his seat, complete chaos broke out between all houses all of them defending themselves or another.

"Shut up!" Ginnys voice screeched and everyone wnet quiet ll getting back into their positions, ginny took a deep breath before she spoke "it took forever just to get us all to sit in one room together." she had the face of a dissaponted mother as she crossed her arms, looking at all of them in disgust everyone at this table was in the wrong. 

"Now, ron was also hooking up with Goyle to hurt seamus slowly destroying what seaumes had with Goyle and Thedore until he finally broke them up but when he asked dhima again in the library seamus still said no, so it was sall for nothing he broke his heart for selfish reasons that's what hermonie had over rhim, his chetaing, and his schemes against his bestfirned" ginny clicked her teeth 

"Woooow fuck you ron!" pansy stood up and chaos broke out once again, but this time they enede the argument themselves. "that's the information she held, so to me and Ron's surprise when we went to go fence in the ROR and we opened it only to see Luna and Hermonie making out on a red couch" a tear slid down ginny's cheek as she sniffled "oh its ok ginny" harry said pulling her close ron comforting her as well, everyone looked at luna with disgust and hermonie.

"I gusse i should take it from here the, were gonna be here all night." luna kicke dher legs upon the table crossing her arms as she leaned her chair backon it two back legs

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