C H A P T E R ₀₁

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God, if you are up there... why did you put me in a situation like this?

A question that circulated through Hwanwoong's mind ever since he arrived at this place. He was sitting here, on a cold and white bench inside this small building that looked like some ordinary business but was definitely not, and he kept asking God what he did wrong in his life to end up at where he was right now.

Deep, deep inside of him he knew that this was simply his fault (read as: decision) but putting the blame on something or someone just seemed easier at this moment.

He looked over to the two women that sat on his right on the same long bench as him and felt a little ashamed. This whole situation made him feel so small and vulnerable, and what he hated, even more, is the fact he made it seem like he had no other choice. There was always another way, but right now was a time he didn't have the luxury of choosing.

The fact that he, as a man, was sitting here made him feel weird. Should he even sit here? Hell, I shouldn't sit here at all no matter what my gender is.

His eyes shot up when he heard the next person getting called inside. It was a woman, like everyone else here was too, and his leg started to bounce slightly. The person speaking was the same guy he saw a week ago and the memory replayed in front of his eyes...

One week ago

"One last time, please, I really need to pay my-" Hwanwoong got cut off and the door was thrown shut in front of him after he got pushed out of the building. "Come on, I'll pay it back as soon as I can!"

He expected a 'When will that be?' or 'Go away!' but there was nothing. Not even anger, just pure ignorance. And he understood. The bank couldn't give out loans for free till the end of time and he was horribly deep in debt already. I'll pay it all back once I'm a professional dancer. I will make it. I will.

Hwanwoong pushed a frustrated sigh out of his throat as he ran his hand through his black hair. His eyes were fixed on the traffic lights, not thinking anything, and then suddenly he felt a grip on his shoulder. Hwanwoong turned around immediately and yelled.

"Yah! You scared me!" he huffed and rubbed his shoulder. The grip of the black-haired guy in front of him still lingered on his skin.

"I apologize. This may be a little straightforward but... you seem to have problems. And you need money, am I right?"

Hwanwoong narrowed his eyes at the man who was dressed in complete black and scoffed, "And why is that your business? I don't even know you!"

"I'm Seoho," he introduced himself shortly and pulled money out of his jacket pocket, "This money can be yours — If you swear not to tell a soul what I'm going to tell you now."

Hwanwoong eyed the money for a few seconds. The banknotes fluttered slightly in the wind and they were standing in the middle of a sidewalk. He sighed after he realized that the man in front of him held at least 50.000 Won in his hand and rubbed his nape. New shoes were needed desperately and as much as Hwanwoong hated it, he nodded.

"Alright, what is it? You're not going to involve me in a murder case, right?" He laughed a little at first, however, when Seoho's face did not change even the slightest bit Hwanwoong's laugh died down faster than the cars were rushing by.

"My boss. He is looking for someone to marry."

"Okay, and?" the male answered with a confused expression, then it hit him. "Wait... You pick up random people from sidewalks and ask them if they want to marry your boss?"

Seoho shrugged, "Looks like it."

"That's pathetic," Hwanwoong laughed, "Also, what makes you so sure that the people you told this won't speak to anyone about it?"

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