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Youngjo scratched the back of his head while smiling awkwardly. The four of them were currently standing in a big hotel, the blonde lady behind the reception eyeing the man with attentive, big eyes.

"Is something wrong?" The lady slowed her speed of speech a little, thinking that Youngjo's English may not be advanced enough to understand the first time, which was not the case.

"You said two bedrooms — A bedroom with two beds and the other has one bed only, did I get this right?"

The blonde lady smiled and nodded. Youngjo sighed and turned to Hwanwoong and his bodyguards, his fiancé looking at him with a slightly confused expression.

"Is it possible to book another room with two beds?"

The receptionist started typing something and a few mouse clicks later she frowned and shook her head. "I'm afraid all of them are booked."

The man looked stressed all of a sudden and the lady felt the need to explain the situation further, "I apologize, but you need to take into consideration that this is Las Vegas and a weekend too-"

"I'm aware. Thank you for trying and for being so kind," Youngjo smiled politely and thanked the blonde once again when she handed him the keys. Each of them followed Youngjo, who was approaching a big and elegant elevator. It was framed with golden patterns and so was almost everything else wherever they looked. The reception, the benches around this area, and even the pots that contained big green plants. When the elevator doors opened a few people intended to walk outside, so the four men stepped aside before entering once it was empty.

"So, what's the problem?" Seoho asked and Youngjo chuckled.

"Jieun knows that Hwanwoong is my fiancé, but that's all. She doesn't know that we're not actually a thing. So she booked a room that only has one bed for me and him — You two, however, get a room with two beds."

"Cool," Geonhak answered, not really phased by anything.

"Who is Jieun?" Hwanwoong asked.

"Secretary," the other three said in unison, Hwanwoong just nodding at that.

It was quiet in the elevator and the youngest among the four felt the need to break the silence. "It's so weird. I feel extremely tired. It's as if I'd have to fall into a bed as soon as possible, but it's super early..."

"That's because you'd be asleep right now. Timezones," Geonhak remarked with his back and head leaned against one of the elevator walls that consisted of mirrors, "And to me, for example, traveling is super exhausting. Could be the same for you."

"Seems like it," Hwanwoong answered. Youngjo faced the black-haired male and looked surprised.

"Have you never traveled before?"

"Not... like this. I've never been to a different country before."

Hwanwoong shrugged when he said that and Youngjo nodded. A weak smile started to appear on his lips when he thought of the fact that the smaller would get the chance to travel from now on — Not necessarily always to a different country, also not often, but it was possible. And then he cleared his throat at the thought, because why would he even feel excited about that? It was business, and he was serious about continuing to treat it as such.

Soon they arrived on one of the higher floors —Hwanwoong had not paid attention to what button was pushed in the elevator— and they were following Youngjo who had the information about the number of the rooms on the keys in his hands.

He unlocked a door and handed Seoho the key because he stood closer than Geonhak. "This is your room, guys. I'd suggest you rest for a little and we meet later."

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