C H A P T E R ₀₉

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Give him a few more days. Those were Seoho's words. Hwanwoong did what the bodyguard said. He did give all of this a few more days.

The past days he had either met up with Keonhee or stayed at the dance academy in a studio for a while longer and taken a walk after that, but he had always made sure to come home way later than usual. He was not taking advantage of Keonhee, really, but anything that helped him pass the time felt better than sitting in a house with a person that avoided him — no matter if it was intentional or not.

Today, however, was different. Hwanwoong felt super worn out from basically not being able to rest after classes because he tried to keep himself out and busy. This Friday would not be a day like that.

When Seoho picked him up, he was glad to hear that Hwanwoong wanted to head straight home this time. The bodyguard found it far from necessary to share his thought with the male, but in his opinion, Hwanwoong looked like he could need a good amount of sleep. He looked exhausted and didn't even have a single smile left for the bodyguard. Seoho kind of missed it, but he understood that there would be days in which Hwanwoong wouldn't have the energy, and he did not take it personally at all.

Once home, Hwanwoong immediately changed into comfortable clothes and threw himself on his bed to take a much-needed nap. He didn't know for how long he slept, all he knew was that when he went downstairs to drink a glass of water, he saw Youngjo's shoes by the door. Meant he was home and probably hiding in the book room again.

Thinking, he twisted the glass while it was still touching his bottom lip. For how long would this still go on? Hwanwoong was tired of this. He didn't know if now was a good moment to confront Youngjo — he didn't know about his mood, didn't know if he'd even talk to him, but he wanted to try. Hwanwoong had enough of the silence.

He walked up the stairs, confidently walked into the book room, grabbed the first book that came in contact with his hands that looked interesting in the slightest way, and sat down on the sofa. Youngjo must've noticed him joining the room but didn't find it necessary to speak. Because other than the dancer's presence, he was also able to feel the tension Hwanwoong brought with him.

The smaller mimicked Youngjo. He crossed one leg over the other, opened the book, and started to read. And he almost widened his eyes in shock when Youngjo seemed to have found his voice again, but he contained himself.

"I thought you got swallowed by something. I barely saw you the past few days, let alone in this room."

Hwanwoong scoffed. "Oh, you can form full sentences? That's amazing!"

Youngjo was caught off guard by the attitude, but he knew that he deserved this. His thoughts were loud but definitely not as loud as Hwanwoong's glare. Chills ran down his spine at the strong gaze and his eyes still lingered on the dancer's face even after Hwanwoong dedicated his attention to a book page again. A sigh left the younger's lips.

"Well, this is your comfort space and I didn't want to take that from you when you're trying to avoid me."

Youngjo felt the need to protest. "I didn't-"

Hwanwoong's eyes shot up from the book and he locked gazes with Youngjo. The older had his eyebrows furrowed slightly and the dancer looked at Youngjo with judging eyes. Something changed in them though, there was a hint of hurt coating them now.

"Why did you? Did I do something wrong?"

Youngjo's heart cracked at that. He was aware that he somehow hurt himself by taking his distance, but to hurt Hwanwoong really never was his intention. Hoping that the excuse sounded believable, he tried to explain himself. Not all of it had been true, but at least a part of it was. And he hoped that Hwanwoong would believe it.

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