C H A P T E R ₀₆

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A suit. Clothing that Hwanwoong didn't wear for the longest time. There hasn't been an event to wear one to, he couldn't recall even one memory at that moment. The day they tried them on didn't count.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Judging eyes followed his reflection, ghosted around the details, and wandered over the white dress shirt that he wore under the black waistcoat. He fastened the button of the jacket and stroked over the fabric with the palms of his hands before cocking his head to the side to examine his whole look. He sighed. Somehow he felt weird, this look just didn't suit him in his opinion. But maybe it did suit him and it was just something he'd have to get used to.

"You look good," Youngjo stated.

The older walked up from behind and passed the mirror and Hwanwoong in the span of a few seconds. All the dancer could witness was Youngjo fixing the button around his sleeve before he disappeared from Hwanwoong's view again. It was as if he sensed the younger's uncertainty. He bit his lip nervously while parting his black hair to let some of his forehead show. Hwanwoong liked this better but still wasn't completely sure how to feel about it.

Both of them had put some make-up on and Hwanwoong eyed Youngjo with interest. The eye shadow complimented his eye shape well and fit his wine-red hair perfectly. Hwanwoong had forgotten how beautiful the older actually was for a little, but he was definitely reminded again at that moment.

"You think so?"

Youngjo hummed and nodded while tying his shoe. "It totally suits you, don't worry. I wouldn't lie to you."

Hwanwoong nodded as well. He exhaled slowly and decided to drop every negative thought. Why he was so adamant about this anyway was a mystery to itself — maybe he rather tried to put focus on unnecessary things instead of on the fact that he'd be married by the end of the day.

Youngjo walked up to the mirror, now standing behind Hwanwoong, and looked into his reflection's eyes. He smiled and cocked his head to the side in the direction of the door to signalize that they would be going now.

Once outside, Youngjo locked the door. Geonhak and Seoho had been waiting for both of them already. While the black-haired bodyguard smiled politely, the blond bodyguard just nodded firmly before taking his place in front of Youngjo and Hwanwoong. Seoho took his place behind them and the four then made their way to the elevator.

When they got into the rented car they checked if everything necessary was there. Geonhak's eyes were focused on the road even though they weren't driving yet, and while Seoho and Youngjo went through the list, Hwanwoong eyed Geonhak. It was an unusual sight for him to not see Seoho in the driver's seat but he didn't mind it at all.

"So we have everything?" Seoho asked to make sure and Youngjo, who held the documents, hummed.

Once Geonhak got the confirmation he started typing the address into the small device next to the steering wheel. The car ride went down extremely silent. It was awkward, and even if Hwanwoong could've thrown in a topic to talk about, he didn't feel like it. His eyes ghosted to his left where Youngjo sat, and he could tell the older was tensed up. His elbow rested against the window and he nibbled on the sides of his fingernails every now and then. Not once did he make an attempt to end the silence, and while Seoho did seem to feel uncomfortable with the silence, he decided to stay silent as well. All he did was shift in his seat a little every few minutes. Geonhak was calm — or composed.

"We're here," the blond male said after a while, Youngjo just closing his eyes at that.

He was the first one to exit the car without saying a word. Hwanwoong twitched slightly at the sound of the car door closing shut. Youngjo didn't even close it forcefully, yet the sound vibrated through Hwanwoong's body like an earthquake. The rest exited too and all four walked towards an interesting building. It looked similar to a chapel, and a few seconds later Hwanwoong realized that this was exactly what it was.

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