C H A P T E R ₁₁

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Geonhak had to do many things in his life before but closing Seoho's mouth hadn't been one of them yet. He had to admit that the sight shocked him as well, but to make it as obvious as his co-worker was not part of his plans. They watched the situation progress further, watched Subin and Seungwoo walk away, and then approached the two men.

An awkward and tense tension surrounded them and they didn't dare to look at each other. To Geonhak, it was pretty obvious that none of them exchanged a word ever since their kiss got interrupted. He thought that it would be best to suggest heading back inside for a little longer to which Youngjo agreed. He stuck to Geonhak now and Seoho saw this as a sign to walk with Hwanwoong instead.

Inside, there may have played music, but between the married men there was radio silence. When Hwanwoong glanced over to Youngjo, the older would immediately look away — the same thing happening the other way around. It was obvious that both of them had a conflict inside of them, didn't know how to act around each other at that moment, and especially did not know what to say.

They decided to at least stay one more hour to not cause any unwanted rumors. The fact that some people saw the tense atmosphere between the brothers was enough already. Hwanwoong wondered if this was the usual case or if today was just special because Subin found out about the marriage. He figured that he'd find out at future events anyway and dropped the thought.

Eventually, another hour passed and Youngjo suggested that they should make their way home now unless Hwanwoong still wanted to stay. When the smaller gently shook his head, Youngjo nodded and started walking to the entrance. Hwanwoong felt weird. Apart from asking if he still wanted to drink something, Youngjo had not spoken a word to him. He really wanted to know what went on in his head.

Especially when they entered the car. It was dark, silent, and tense. The only light source was the lights shining in from the outside — some allowing a better look around the inside of the car and some not even bright enough to properly see anything except for the road. It got even tenser when their knees suddenly touched and Hwanwoong felt his heartbeat quicken up a little.

Do I pull away? I don't want him to think I don't like his knee touching mine- But I don't want him to think that I like like it. Should I just wait until he pulls his away instead? That will probably be the best.

Hwanwoong had his plan successfully plotted out in his head now, there was just one problem, and that problem was that Youngjo didn't seem to plan on pulling his knee away anytime soon.

The younger glanced over to his left and hoped that it was as subtle as possible. He saw Youngjo lean his head against the window, eyes fixed on the passing houses and street lamps and he gently rubbed his lips with the fingertips of the hand that rested close to the window as he seemed carried away in his thoughts.

Hwanwoong really didn't want to interpret anything into that now and leaned back deeper in his seat (he tried to sink into it) while closing his eyes. When he rested his hand next to him, he accidentally came in contact with Youngjo's.

Their eyes met immediately. Youngjo had only moved his head to his right slightly, was technically side eyeing Hwanwoong now and the smaller instinctively pulled his hand away again. Like a hypnotized guy, he kept staring into his husband's eyes — the man that seemed to take the role of the hypnotizing snake in this case — and started to blush slightly.

Hwanwoong was more than glad that the inside of the car was dark and the older couldn't notice the red shade that spread across Hwanwoong's nose, cheeks, and ears. Youngjo looked incredibly attractive with his dark eyes as he held Hwanwoong's gaze from the side.

Hwanwoong's only escape was to avert his eyes, so he did and inhaled deeply. When he glanced over again, Youngjo had his eyes fixed on the outside.

His emotions were all over the place. Knee touching could be considered a platonic thing, right? Probably. If there won't be any tension, and especially if it won't occur after passionately kissing the other person- Hwanwoong immediately shook the thought off. And then a different thought crossed his mind. What if Youngjo was mad at him? He had made it clear in Las Vegas that Hwanwoong shouldn't dare to come too close to him. That must've probably been it.

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