The Journey Begins

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Once they were abord the ship Narcissa's father rounded on Will who held the charts.

"You weren't supposed to get caught," he said sharply. Will shrugged. He very nonchalant for someone who had just been nearly drowned to death in bathwater in Narcissa's opinion.

"It worked out the way I wanted," he replied before walking away. Narcissa's eyes narrowed at the usage of the word "I". She came to stand next to her father who was now leaning on the rail of the ship the fires of Singapore fading into the distance.

"Am I the only one who thinks it's strange that Sao Feng suddenly decided to help us?" she asked.

"Nay, the welp is up to something. But we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth fer now," replied her father.

"True," murmured Narcissa. She couldn't imagine Will betraying them but something wasn't adding up. She leaned against her father.

"Thanks for earlier at the bath house. I half expected you to murder them for looking at me like that." Her father snorted.

"Trust me the thought crossed me mind. They're lucky they didn't try anything."

"I don't know which is worse. Them or Cutler Beckett." scoffed Narcissa. Her father looked at her in surprise.

"What about Beckett?"

"Oh, didn't I mention? Beckett proposed to me. Apparently, he finds a woman holding him at gunpoint attractive." Narcissa saw her father's knuckles whiten on the railing.

"I take it ye refused." Narcissa snorted.

"Do pirates love treasure? Of course, I refused. Though he still seems to hold some delusion that I will change my mind."

"I hope ye don't have any objection to me killing him," her father growled.

"Be my guest," replied Narcissa. Touched to see her father's protective side. She smiled as the moon came out from behind the clouds shining down on them. A look of contentment crossed her father's noticeably not skeletal face.

"You must be glad to finally enjoy the moonlight," she said softly.

"Aye, ye don't appreciate the simple pleasures of life, till ye've lost them." Narcissa covered his hand with hers.

"It reminds me of all those nights you used to take me to watch the stars back home. Those were good times."

"That they were lass." her father agreed

"I've missed you daddy," she whispered. Her father didn't reply but he did wrap an arm around her shoulders pulling her close.


Hector Barbossa stood at the railing of the ship, his arm around his daughter. If he were honest the best thing about his resurrection was being with his daughter again. To actually feel her warmth as she leaned against him.

It was all the more reason to make sure to fulfill his bargain with Calypso. It had taken all his self-control not to straight up murder the men at the bathhouse for looking at her in that way.

Hector knew that realistically he couldn't control how every man looked at her. She was a beauty like her mother. But it didn't make him feel any less protective. Not that she needed to rely on him for protection. He'd been quite impressed by how she'd handled herself in actual combat back in Singapore.

She was his daughter through and through but she was also her own person and he had a feeling this venture would draw that out.

Whatever came be it Beckett, Sao Feng, or Davy Jones himself he swore he'd look after her. After all, pirates protected their treasure.

Narcissa Barbossa: At World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now