The Brethren Court

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They sailed to Shipwreck Cove like the devil were on their tale which truthfully it was. Once she was certain they were on course and the Dutchman wasn't going to overtake them she headed over to the prow to speak to Elizabeth.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

"I just feel terrible for James. He probably died saving us."

"It does redeem him somewhat," said Narcissa.

"You realize you are a bit hypocritical. You condemn James and even Will but are fine with your father's actions," Elizabeth's tone was matter-of-fact rather than accusatory.

"That is fair enough, perhaps it is simply the fact that the consequences of James and Will's actions are far more far reaching and personal than my father's which were entirely in keeping with his position as a pirate. I don't agree with his decision to kill Bootstrap but it was Bootstrap's choice to join the Dutchman. The world isn't black and white Lizzie," she said.

"I'm beginning to see that more and more. Our only route to survival is piracy of all things."

"To be fair for all that people have been telling me to look out for you, you've been doing a pretty good job of looking out for yourself and it hasn't been very long. Only a few years ago you didn't even know how to wield a sword," Narcissa pointed out.

"It's certainly strange how quickly things and people change," agreed Elizabeth. Narcissa sighed.

"You are right in that James died a good man. I'm not sure how we would have gotten out without him. But we can mourn the dead later. Right now, we have bigger things to focus on like defeating that bastard Beckett." Elizabeth nodded.

"You're right. I don't suppose there are any dry clothes below are there?"

"We can certainly check," said Narcissa glancing down at her current outfit which was soaked to the skin.

Luckily there were some spare clothes below and the women changed out of their wet clothes and into more Chinese pirate garb. Over her black pants and knee high boots, Narcissa had on a long black coat that reached her knees and split in the front for ease of movement while the top buttoned up with similar fastenings on the sleeves. The coat itself had designs of green dragons sewn into the material and around her waist was a leather belt with two leather panels attached near the front.

Elizabeth's outfit was similar although with gold decorations. They returned above now prepared to meet whatever the Brethren Court had coming.


They arrived about a day later at ship wreck cove. There were already many ships in the harbor each carrying a different flag. Small boats also littered the docks. It appeared that this was more than a meeting place. It was a haven and a fortress set into the rock.

"Nervous?" asked Elizabeth.

"What gave it away?" asked Narcissa as they walked down the gangplank.

"You're my sister. I know you better than I know myself. You'll do fine," Elizabeth assured her grasping her sister's hand.

"I hope so," Narcissa answered. They walked through the streets that made up shipwreck cove. Crowded as it was people parted before her and after a brief pause to get directions they made their way up and deep into the fortress. Outside of a large door stood two pirate sentries.

"Captain Davis pirate lord of the South China Sea," she said sharply. The two glanced at each other but at her glare parted. Inside she saw a large table with 7 different groups of pirates surround it.

There was a flamboyant looking pirate with a wig like Weatherby's who from the fleur de lis on his jacket she guessed was French. There were two groups of eastern looking pirates with turbans. A group of dark skinned perhaps African pirates was in one of the corners. Next to them was a shorter white-haired man with a large hat that reminded her a bit of gibs. The ones that drew her eye most though were some Chinese ones surrounding an Asian woman with her face painted white. She was on the older side and Narcissa guessed that she was Mistress Ching one of the most dangerous female pirates.

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