The Pirate King

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By morning ships with the EITC emblem on them along with the Flying Dutchman could be seen nearing shipwreck cove. A parley was called between the two sides which was how Jack, Narcissa, and her father ended up walking down a spit of land on an island vaguely resembling the one Jack had been marooned on.

Standing waiting for them was Beckett, looking smug as ever, Will, and to Narcissa's surprise Davy Jones, who was standing with his feet in a bucket of water with a series of buckets behind him leading to the longboat those three had arrived in. It was almost a comical sight. Almost.

Once they reached the trio there was a pause before Narcissa's father addressed Will.

"You be the cur that led these wolves to our door."

"Don't blame Turner. He was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left." Captain Barbossa turned to Narcissa who turned to Jack who looked at the empty air on his right.

"My hands are clean in this. Figuratively." Will looked defiant.

"My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it." Narcissa believed Will at least believed that but she wasn't sure that Jack had NOTHING to do with this. He was as crafty as he was drunk.

"Well spoke. Listen to the tool." Narcissa sighed ignoring Jacks words and addressing her former friend.

"Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman. I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost." Bootstrap Bill really was in a pitiful state and there was no guarantee just killing Jones would save him. Especially when it would cost many other lives.

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." Internally Narcissa groaned. Damn Will and his stupid honor. A promise that resulted in the death of hundreds was not worth keeping.

"If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this?" asked Beckett holding out Jack's compass. "You made a deal with me, Jack, to deliver the pirates. And here they are. Don't be bashful. Step up. Claim your reward." the cool arrogance in Beckett's voice made Narcissa want to smack him never mind the stupid rules of parley.

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied. One hundred years in servitude aboard the Dutchman. As a start." said Jones. Up close in all his tenticley glory as Ragetti might have put it he was more than a little scary although the buckets did undercut the effect.

"That debt was paid, mate. With some help."

"You escaped." argued Jones.

"Technically." added Jack. That was when Narcissa had an idea.

"I propose an exchange. Will leaves with us...and you can take Jack."

"Done." said Beckett.

"Undone." said Jack in a panicked tone.

"Done." repeated Narcissa. Her father gave her an incredulous look.

"Jack's one of the nine pirate lords. You have no right."

"King," Narcissa pointed out before adding softly. "Trust me."

"As you command, your nibs," said Jack with a scowl.

"Blackguard!" said her father who lunged with his sword cutting the piece of eight attached to jacks hair. It fell to the ground and Jack the monkey scampered to grab it.

"If ye have something to say, I might be saying something as well," her father told Jack.

"First to the finish, then?" Jack said before walking over to stand next to Jones who leaned close to him.
"Do you fear death?"

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