Ghosts of the Past

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Once everyone was on the ship things did NOT get off to a great start.

"Haul the pennant line," called Jack.

"Haul the pennant line!" Captain Barbossa also called.

"What are ye doing?" Jack

"No what are you doing?" demanded Narcissa's father.

"What are you doing?" replied Jack more loudly.

"No what are ye doing?" repeated her father matching Jack's tone.

"Captain gives orders on the ship!" said Jack.

"The Captain is giving orders!" argued Captain Barbossa.

"My ship, makes me Captain," snapped Jack.

"They be my charts," disagreed Narcissa's father.

"That makes you...chartman," said Jack.

"Stow it both of you! That' s an order understand!" shouted Pintel. Everyone was stunned into silence and the man looked sheepish.

"Sorry, I just thought with the issue of captain in doubt, I'd throw my name in for consideration," he said hopefully before quailing under the glare of the two Captains.

"Sorry," the pirate repeated.

"I'd vote for you," said Ragetti quietly.

"Yeah?" asked Pintel. Narcissa however had had enough bickering.

"Look, let's split the ship for now. Jack's in charge of the Port side and Father's in charge of the starboard side." Both men opened their mouths to argue but she cut them off sharply.

"There is too much at stake to be stalled by your childish bickering over a glorified toy!" To everyone's surprise including Narcissa the men grumbled but headed to their respective sides.

"You handled that well," said will coming to stand by her.

"Honestly, its rather amusing to watch grown men argue over a ship like children." chuckled Narcissa.

"But we are on a bit of a time crunch," Will finished joining in her laughter.

"True," agreed Narcissa. For a moment it felt like old times. Days spent back in Port Royal getting into all sorts of trouble. However, the pair soon sobered.

"Did you know about Jack?" Will asked. Narcissa nodded.


"Why didn't you say anything?"

"My first loyalty is to my sister. She asked me not to speak," answered Narcissa leaning on the railing.

"I wish she'd told me," said Will.

"Perhaps she should have. I know my sister. She loves you more than words can say. But you two really need to work on your communication," she paused. "Although you might wish to provide her with the same courtesy you request. She shot him a knowing look and Will swiftly walked away.

Narcissa sighed. She loved being at sea. But she did miss the old days when she and Will told each other almost everything. She thought back to the start of their friendship.


Thirteen-year-old Narcissa had just escaped the clutches of the governess hired by Governor Swann. Narcissa didn't mind the lessons on history, reading, and even arithmetic. But the constant lectures on lady-like behavior were exhausting. So, upon being taken out to stroll through the market she took her chance to run.

Narcissa ended up near the blacksmith's where she heard the sound of clanging metal. She slipped inside and saw Will Turner, the boy they had rescued practicing with a sword occasionally stabbing a straw dummy. She watched him practice his movements for a moment before knocking on the door frame. Will jumped.

Narcissa Barbossa: At World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now