chapter nine

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as weeks passed, louis slowly became more and more worried that harry would never ask him to be his boyfriend, and what worried him the most is that he truly thought that harry had forgotten.

he knew that they definitely weren't just friends anymore because, what friends kiss? but he still wanted to be asked out because he's never had a boyfriend let alone, that he'd recently experienced what a first kiss felt like — which was absolutely wonderful — but he couldn't help but feel sort of upset that harry didn't ask or even bring up anything about their growing relationship because he truly did want to be with harry, and his feelings only grew more and more whenever they would kiss.

he knew that in most relationships, after kissing your significant other, the person usually asks the other person to be their girlfriend or boyfriend, so all innocent louis wanted to know was, how come harry hadn't asked him that yet?

he felt somewhat pathetic due to having these worries and emotions about their relationship, but he just liked harry so much and truthfully, couldn't see himself liking anyone else for a long time so in his innocent, little mind, it wasn't his fault.

so now, the two were at louis' house on a random afternoon while making flowercrowns; which had been louis' idea, of course.

throughout the process of making them though, he'd been unusually quiet, which made harry skeptical because there was never a day when louis wouldn't be the happiest little ray of sunshine and that's what the senior honestly loved about him, so when louis was quiet he knew that something was definitely wrong.

harry took quick glances up at the dainty boy every now and then, knowing that louis could feel his intent staring and would only sigh and become more irritated when he'd ignore them and focus more on making his flowercrown.

after minutes passed, harry was fed up and slammed down his messed up flowercrown that he couldn't care less about, startling louis from being so focused and causing him to let out a gasp.


"what the hell is up with you today?" the senior cut him off

harry' jaw was clenched tightly at he stared at the startled teen, growing more irritated by the second.

it wasn't that he was angry with louis - that could never happen in a million years, and god so help him if it did - he was just irriated and mostly worried because he only wanted to know what upset louis to make him become so silent.

louis' heartbeat began to speed up slightly as he shrugged softly and looked back down at his unfinished flowercrown.

"d-don't swear, 'azza." he whispered, "and m'fine."

the frown along with a tiny pout forming on louis' lips made harry immediately beg to differ.

harry' eyes softened a bit from louis' innocently which was too adorable, but still didn't loosen up and chuckled humorously.

"bull." he replied, "don't lie to me, louis. you've barely spoken a word since we've got here so don't tell me that you're fine 'cause you're not."

louis still hadn't looked up from his hands and continued to stay silent as his pout became more prominent, making harry let out a deep sigh.

"c'mere." was all the senior said, in which louis quickly obliged.

he got from his seat with a tiny hop since it was a stool and mainly because he was just really small, but slowly made his way over to harry, who shifted so that he was facing him before taking a firm grasp of both sides of louis' slim waist.

it was nothing but silence between them for a few moments until harry finally spoke up, knowing the shy younger boy wouldn't be the first to do so.

"talk to me, blue." he spoke, in a much calmer voice than before.

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