chapter one

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the eighteen year old sat on the rooftop of his school, leisurely smoking a cigarette. he took a deep inhale of the cigar, blowing the strong, toxic smoke out through his nostrils afterward.

it was quiet, the noisy sound of cars passing by had been the only thing heard besides the small sound of him tapping his boot against the pavement to a random song in his head.

a few minutes passed until he suddenly heard the sound of the large, metal door that lead to the staircase of the rooftop, being opened.

he never glanced towards it though, only blowing out another puff of smoke cooly.

"s'cuse me?" a tiny voice asked in the softest voice, startling harry a bit.

he looked up to see a short, curvy boy with a fluffy fringe with pieces of it falling loosely in front of his crystal blue eyes, along with his soft, tanned skin. his lips were curled in a small, hesitant smile and his short frame was draped in an white, oversized, sweater that slipped off one of his shoulders, showing off his delicate yet prominent collarbones. the outfit was paired with light blue jeans that clung tightly around his thick thighs along with his feet that were stuffed in a pair of white and slightly scuffed vans.

all harry could do was stare dumbfounded.

he blinked and cleared his throat deeply, sitting up a little. "what do you want?"

the boy blushed and looked down at his slightly grass stained vans, biting his lower lip as if he was thinking of what to say before politely asking, "um.. d-do you mind if i sit here?"

"nah, feel free." harry shrugged, taking another deep inhale of his cigar.

he watched intently as the nameless boy smiled shyly and mumbled a soft, "thank you." before sitting down next to him.

harry looked away after a few moments of staring at him but out of the corner of his right eye, he could see that the boy would continuously glance over at him and then quickly look away.

he snapped his neck over at the boy and glared, "fuck are you looking at, kid?"

that caused the smaller boy' eyes to widen and he blushed hard, stumbling pathetically over his words as he tried to answer harry.

"i-i was j-just, erm i-it's just that y-you're cigarette is kind of.. u-um-" he stuttered

"kind of what?" harry cut in, jaw clenching as he became more fed up with the nervous boy.

the blue eyed boy twiddled with his fingers - a nervous habit of his - and waited a bit before saying in the smallest voice, "i-it's just erm.. kind of making it h-hard for me to b-breathe."

harry looked away for a second, then down at his cigarette that was blowing out the smoke in the boy' direction and caught realization.

"what are you, asthmatic or something?" he asked gruffly, snapping his head back up at the sound of the boy beginning to cough.

"y-yes," he wheezed out, coughing hard.

harry raised an eyebrow, not fazed by the teen' small asthma attack but moved the cigar around so it wasn't pointed in his direction. he watched as the boy coughed a few more times before digging in his flower printed backpack and with shaky hands, pulling out a clear bottle that had been filled to the brim with a light pink liquid.

"the fuck is that?" harry asked

the small boy looked up at him with startled eyes, "oh, it's strawberry milk..."

"who drinks strawberry milk?" harry raised an eyebrow, "that's for little kids,"

the boy pouted, which was adorable in harry' opinion but he quickly got rid of that thought.

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