chapter seventeen

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louis quietly shut his locker, biting down onto his lower lip anxiously as he turned around to begin walking down the crowded corridor towards the main gymnasium; students rushing past him and some bumping his frail shoulders at times as everyone had been scattering around, trying to leave the building to get to the buses while others tried to get ready for their clubs or sports practices.

the tiny boy fixed his glasses that were slipping from the bridge of his nose as he clutched onto the straps of his bookbag tightly; voicing out gentle "s'cuse me's" to anyone that he had to brush by; being the polite little angel that he was.

once he had gotten past the large crowd, he felt his heartbeat decrease back down to its normal rate; feeling slightly dejected because he wished that he didn't have to deal with his issues with anxiety. he couldn't help it, but did feel extremely grateful for his family and his boyfriend, as they were the only ones who didn't make louis feel on edge, often.

continuing to walk his short legs down the corridor, he soon made it towards the gym and pushed open the heavy metal doors with some struggle, thin arms never being used to such weight. he got it open, though, and walked inside before continuing his way out of the gym and towards the football field, where harry had requested for them to meet at.

the gentle breeze of the slightly warm air had instantly hit him, causing goose bumps to rise on his cardigan sleeve covered arms.

as he walked towards the field, he felt his stomach churn with nerves once he spotted his handsome boyfriend, yet with a crowd of other guys that seemed to be his friends as all of them had been laughing with making conversation with one another. louis gulped slightly and bit down onto his lower lip again, as he walked closer and closer to the field; approaching his boyfriend.

as he approached harry, he felt his cheeks burn terribly when pairs of eyes had instantly spotted him and soon one of the guys had been gotten harry's attention; nodding in louis' direction to inform harry that his boy had finally made it.

turning around with an eyebrow quirked, the senior' eyes softened on instant as he spotted his baby waddling towards him with a timid smile on his lips.

all of the chatter had continued to go one as louis stopped in front of harry, yet it had been quiet as some were curious about the tiny boy with the flower crown on his head, who definitely hadn't looked as if he'd been there to practice with them.

"hey, baby. you made it." harry called out, as he walked closer to louis until they'd finally been inches apart. he took a firm hold of louis' slim waist before leaning down to press his lips against his boy' forehead, quickly.

louis' cheeks burned more as his heart swelled immensely; anxiety disappearing the moment he had made eye contact with his boyfriend. he just loved him so, so much.

"f'course i did, hazza." he spoke, softly; placing his small hands against harry' strong biceps and squeezing lightly at them. "i love you."

harry smirked, fondly; a smile ever failing to make way to his own face whenever louis said those three simple words.

"i love you, too, sweet thing." he murmured, right before capturing their lips in a tender kiss. "love you so much." and harry knew that he had become the softest fucker ever but couldn't find it in him to care because, his baby deserved it. the small boy deserved every kiss, every sweet nothing, and every single gentle touch that harry had to offer because louis never hesitated to give him the same; without a doubt, more.

louis carefully lifted himself onto his tippy toes and wrapped his fingers around harry' wrists as he kissed back, parting his lips for the older boy to deepen the kiss as his warm tongue slowly caressed louis' own. the senior' actions earned a soft mewl from louis as one of his tiny hands tightened around harry' wrist while the other had moved onto grasping his boyfriend' shirt, shakily.

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