chapter twelve

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as time passed, louis and harry' relationship had only gotten stronger along with their bond that was nearly unbreakable. their trust for each other grew as well and the two weren't hesitant or scared to hold anything back from one another, when important things needed to be said or done.

now, the couple were at harry' house, inside of the senior' bedroom since the downstairs had been filled with cigarette buds, beer bottles and other empty alcoholic beveraged cans, all due to harry' father who had come home the night before and completely trashed their place, then leaving again which also left harry to clean up the man' mess.

louis sat on harry' bed with one of his boyfriend' hoodies on, which engulfed his body completely. he gnawed down on his lower lip nervously and played with his flowercrown to keep him relaxed, as he waited for his pissed off boyfriend to come back upstairs.

after a few minutes passed, he heard footsteps beginning to returning back upstairs and felt relieved that harry was finally finished with cleaning up.

though, his smile dropped when harry roughly pushed the door open and walked through, anger and irritation written all over his face as he dug in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

"always does this stupid shit." he muttered, angrily to himself, while lighting the cigarette.

he took in a deep inhale of the toxic smoke, which only calmed his anger in the slightest bit, as he went over to a window and cracked it open so that louis wouldn't have to breathe it in.

he ran a hand through his hair before sitting down on the edge of his bed, back turned to louis as the little teen himself, had watched him with a deep, worried expression on his face.

"hazzie?" louis asked, carefully

his frown deepened when harry didn't respond but knew that it wasn't intentional so with that, he scooted closer to harry and sat up on his knees before slowly wrapping his tiny arms around harry' neck, while the senior only stayed still and continued to smoke.

"talk to me, haz." louis frowned, "what's wrong?"

harry nearly tensed up at the foreign question, not being used to someone wanting him to talk about his feelings and what's bothering him, it all sounded like some funny joke, if you asked him.

"nothing, baby. i'm fine." he gritted out, anger clear in his voice which obviously didn't convince his worried boyfriend.

louis sighed to himself and unwrapped his arms from around harry' neck to go and sit right next to him on the edge of his bed; hesitantly reaching over to grab the senior' hand before holding it tightly in his smaller own.

"you're obviously not fine, 'azza." he spoke, in a gentle voice.

"alright, maybe i'm not?" harry snapped back at him, jaw clenched tightly. "who gives a shit?"

louis was slightly taken aback from harry' sudden outburst but didn't let it affect him, and only sighed and gripped his boyfriend' hand tighter.


after that louis stayed silent yet merely looked over at harry when the older boy did so first. harry' eyes softened as he stared at his adorable boyfriend, soon sighing quietly and using his free hand to run it through his hair in a stressful manner before chuckling lightly.

"i know you do, baby." he started, "and i'm thankful for that but it's just that my old man does this shit almost every weekend. he'll come home shitfaced from spending the whole night at the pub and drinks more and more until the next thing ya' know, our house is all fucked up." he pinched the bridge of his nose tightly and shook his head, "i'm tired of cleaning up that prick' mess every time he does this."

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