chapter three

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it was the next day and second period had rolled around quickly, if louis would say.

the scrawny boy hadn't stopped shaking since he first stepped foot into his second period, english class and hadn't stopped having mixed emotions about whether he should ditch school with harry or not. of course, he wanted to do it because he'd do anything to have a stronger relationship with the older boy but his attendance had always been top notch and he seriously didn't want to ruin all of his hard work.

but then again, he didn't want to miss out on his chances with going on an unofficial (but official, in louis' mind) date with harry.

he was just so conflicted with everything..


it was officially after second period, and louis couldn't stop thinking about harry' specific words as he walked to his locker to get his books.

"alright then, if you're sure then meet me outside of school tomorrow after second period, yeah?"

louis let out a shaky sigh and shut his locker after retrieving all of his belongings. as he walked down the long hallway filled with scattering students who were trying to get to their next classes, he kept his head down and avoided contact with everyone which didn't make anyone seem suspicious about his actions since the boy was generally known to be extremely shy, so louis was in luck.

eventually, the commotion had died down and now it'd only been louis, a few other students who were most likely late to class, and a couple of janitors left in the hallway, which made the tiny boy feel a somewhat sense of relief.

after making it past the lunchroom, he took a sharp left towards a secret back entryway of the school and with one hand, he weakly pushed the heavy, metal door open; finally making it outside.

louis let out a loud sigh that he'd been holding in and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"oi, what am i doing?" he whined to himself, eyes laced with worry and nervousness.

he fixed his glasses, that were perched in a lopsided way on the bridge of his nose - since he'd accidentally hit them while running a hand through his hair - and began looking around for harry' car, jumping slightly in shock when he heard a loud beep and turning his head in the direction of where it was heard at.

a huge rush of reassurance came over him when he saw harry' car - which was an old, rusted up chevy truck - pull up near a sidewalk next to him.

the window rolled down, and soon the handsome senior came into view and louis' heart couldn't help but flutter and nor could his eyes help but stare.

"well, don't just stand there, kid. c'mon, yeah?"

louis' eyes widened and he blushed furiously before hurrying over to the passenger' side of harry' car. harry reached over and pushed the door open for him and chuckled as louis' tiny self struggled to get inside, huffing when he finally did and shyly looking over at harry to find him still laughing.

"w-what?" louis frowned

"nothing," harry chuckled, "you're just really small and it's hilarious."

louis gasped and his frown deepened, which made him look very similar to an angry kitten.

"n-no i'm not!" he defended, a little pout forming on his strawberry gloss covered lips.

"you couldn't even reach the car door, kid."

louis huffed, softly. "well.. that's b-because your car door is really high s-so it's kinda hard for me to reach but it's not my fault that you're so tall!"

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