chapter eleven

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harry zipped the tent open and allowed louis to go inside first, rolling his eyes when the silly boy immediately slipped off his shoes and plopped himself down onto the bed, giggling loudly.

"it's so comfortable," louis mewled, nuzzling his face into one of the pillows.

harry shook his head fondly at his tiny boyfriend and slipped off his shoes as well before climbing onto the nicely decorated mattress that was done by himself. he got comfortable and pulled louis closer to him, in which the boy responded by laying his head on harry' chest.

as the couple laid there together, it was silent as they watched the sun slowly set along with listening to the relaxing noise of the ocean waves moving forward and backward every time they came ashore. this was what louis loved the most about their relationship, it's that they could stay silent for hours yet still want to be around each other because just being in each other' presence was enough for them to feel satisfied.

louis' fingers gently traced over one of harry' many tattoos, staring in awe as he did so.

"harry?" he suddenly spoke up, voice soft and nearly inaudible yet harry still heard him.

the senior gave a quiet hum in response, eyes shut in relaxation from their surroundings and the feeling of louis' fingertips lingering on his skin.

"erm.. how many tattoos do you have?"

harry chuckled at the question and shrugged, "lost track after getting my tenth one done on me."

louis' eyes widened, "haz, that's so many! what's going to happen when we're all old and wrinkly? what are we gonna tell our grandchildren?!"

"it's alright, baby hey, at least i'll have some interesting stories to tell? plus i'm gonna be the cool grandpa. not some boring old guy who yells at fuckin' kids that step on his lawn all day."

louis burst into a fit of giggles and nodded, "god, i hope not." he smiled, thinking of their unknown future and secretly praying that they would be still be together even when they were old and grey.

silence once again filled the fresh air and neither talked for a while until suddenly, harry stood up from this bed and out of nowhere, began to undress himself.

"h-haz, what are you doing-"

louis' face flushed crimson red as he watched harry pull his t-shirt off and throw it to the side, showing off his muscular abs and sharp v-line.

and to say that louis had been ready to pass out was an understatement.

"sun's setting, baby. can't let it go away without taking a quick swim, yeah? c'mon, don't be shy."

louis was at a loss for words when harry had been fully undressed down to only his black briefs. he gulped and flushed harder when he saw harry smirk and send him a quick wink.

he forced himself to finally take his eyes off from his handsome boyfriend' features and hesitantly stood up from the bed.

"haz.. i-i can't-" his insecurities began to get the best of him and harry quickly put that to a stop.

the older male came closer and grabbed both sides of louis' face in his large hands and forced him to look up at him so that they were both making full eye contact with each other.

"don't do this shit, lou." he told, sternly. "you're beautiful and i'll tell you that everyday if i have to,"

louis' frown slowly faded into a soft smile as he heard those words, heart fluttering rapidly.

"already do." he mumbled, smiling merely.

harry tolled his eyes fondly and shrugged, "alright, yeah. maybe i do tell you everyday but that's beside the point, baby. i don't want you feeling uncomfortable in front of me, ever."

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