Chapter 1 - The Capture

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A/N - Hi guys! So this is an AU but it will still be in Camelot. In this version, Arthur meets Merlin a couple years before Merlin goes to Camelot. I don't know how long this will be. I might end it at where the actual show starts or keep going past that. I'm not sure so I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

This is NOT going to be a Merthur story. Sorry guys. 😓

Anyways hope you enjoy the story!!


Uther's POV

My son, Arthur, and I along with a few trusted Knights headed out on a hunting trip. I turned to look at my son. He was only eighteen summers old but was already exceptionally talented as a swordsman. I was proud of Arthur though I rarely showed it. I was the King of Camelot and could not show such favouritism.

We hunted for several hours in the Forest of Ascetir. Arthur had killed a magnificent stag and I couldn't be more proud. We were about to head back to Camelot when the shouts of bandits surrounds us. They emerge from the trees. We were outnumbered three to one. This was going to be a difficult fight.


I charged towards the two men closest to me. I barrel through them. One of the men falls to the ground and stays there, while the other man collapses but staggers back up. I keep Arthur in the corner of my eye, making sure he doesn't get hurt. While I was distracted, one of the bandits managed to pull me off my horse. I tumble to the ground, losing sight of Arthur in the process. I start to worry but hold back my panic and kill the bandit that had attacked me. I push the mans body off me and stand. The rest of the bandits had retreated. Cowards.

All my Knights seem to be uninjured and accounted for. That's when I noticed Arthur was gone. I grab the nearest knight, pulling him so he would look me face to face. "Where is Arthur?" I hissed.

"I saw him being dragged away Sire," the knight mutters in fright.


I throw the knight back, he stumbles before quickly running back to his horse. I mount my horse and gesture for the Knights to follow. I would find Arthur, and kill anyone that stands in my way.


Arthur's POV

I was thrown rather roughly into a cell. I stumble on the stone floor and land face first into the ground. I groan and rub the back of my head. I had gotten distracted when I saw my father topple from his horse, while I was distracted the bandit I had been fighting hit me on the back of the head. I didn't remember anything after that.

I examine the cell I was locked in. There was a small makeshift bed with a thin blanket in the back right corner. There was a window at the top of the back wall with thick metal bars covering the small gap. I could just barely see the night sky through the metal bars. The door was made of the same bars with a large padlock to keep the door shut. The cells across from mine seemed empty.

I turned to the right. I could see a row of cells the exact same as mine through the bars. There was no one in sight.

I turned to the left. There was only a single cell. From what I could make out there seemed to be no one in there as well. I sighed. It seemed I was alone. I headed for the small bed and was about to sleep when I heard a small snicker from the cell to my left.

Immediately, I leaped to my feet. I reached for my sword but remembered it had been taken from me. I heard the laugh again. Slowly, I approached the edge of my cell. I saw the shadows shift in the corner of the cell next to mine.

"You're such a clotpole," I heard the small snicker once more from the shadows.

"Declare yourself," I demanded rather angrily. Who did this person think he was? Speaking to a prince like that.

"I'm sorry," the shadow continues to chuckle, "but I couldn't help myself. You looked so funny, falling on your face like that. You had the face of kicked puppy."

"What? How dare you? I am the Prince of Camelot and I demand your name!"

He laughs again and appears out of the shadows. "I'm Merlin. Pleasure to meet you your royal pratness."

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