Chapter 5 - Arthur's Decision

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Merlin's POV

I didn't want to use magic. I knew Arthur would not be happy. He was a Pendragon after all, but I also didn't want to leave him to die. Especially not when I could have done something about it. I allowed the fire to slowly dissipate. The bandits had all fled into the safety of the woods.

I glanced down at Arthur's unconscious form. His breathing was ragged and the blood still oozed from his side. I needed to get him somewhere safe, but first I had to stop the bleeding.

I bent down beside Arthur. I pulled the arrow out of his side, receiving an audible groan in response. I hovered my hand over the wound and began to chant a healing spell. The blood slowly stopped spilling. The cut closed up to form a scar. I removed my hand and smiled at myself, admiring my work. Arthur's breathing steadily went back to normal.

Now that everything was going well, I decided to examine my surroundings. We were in a forest, obviously. I used my magic to enhance my sight. I scouted the area for awhile, looking for anything that I recognized. That's when I saw a small river. It was the river that ran near Ealdor. I smiled happily. I could get home.

I attempted to pick up Arthur. He was A LOT heavier then he looked. Eventually, I managed to find a way to carry him. I guess I had to thank my magic for that. When he wakes up I'll make sure to tell him to lose some weight. I began my long trek through the forest, heading to my home.


I finally reached Ealdor at nightfall. The moon was already up in the sky before I made it to my front door.

I knocked on the wooden door and waited. Soon my mother appeared in front of me. Tears were streaming down her cheeks when she saw me. She ushered me into the house, clearly overjoyed at seeing me again to the point she completely disregarded the boy whom I carried on my shoulders.

I dropped Arthur onto my bed in my room and headed towards the kitchen to see my mother. She hugged me tightly.

"Oh Merlin. I thought you were gone. I thought you died," my mother whispered gently.

"It won't be that easy to get rid of me," I joked.

She smiled and sat me down at the table. She brought over a fresh loaf of bread along with some water and apples. She always knew apples were my favourite. I wolfed everything down. I had nothing to eat for almost a whole day and I was starving.

After I had finished I began to recount what had happened. My mother looked more and more worried the longer I talked. When I was finished she examined my body. She found the wounds that were covered by my clothes. Immediately she gasped and forced me to sit down so she could fix me up.


Arthur's POV

I slowly sat up on the bed. I was confused at first. This wasn't my bed. It was definitely not as soft, but it also wasn't the bed in the cell. This was much more comfortable compared to that. Where was I? I glanced around the room. It was unfamiliar to me. I sat up and headed to the window. I didn't recognize the area. I racked my brain to remember. That's right... Merlin and I were running from the bandits and then I was hit with an arrow. I looked down at the wound. It was gone. Only a faint scar was left. What happened next? That's when I remembered. Merlin had used magic. Merlin is a sorcerer.

I stormed out of the room, looking around for Merlin. I was furious. He had lied to me. He was evil. I found him in the kitchen. He was talking happily with a women. He called her 'mother'. Then this must be Merlin's home. I was ready to jump out and confront Merlin, but something stopped me in my tracks. They were talking about me.

"Merlin, are you sure it's safe to keep him here?" Merlin's mother asked.

"It's alright. I trust him. He's my friend," Merlin replied. I was surprised a sorcerer would call me a friend. Then again I considered him a friend as well. At least, before I found out. Now I wasn't sure.

"I'm just worried. You said he found out about your magic. He is a Pendragon. What will you do if he turns you in... or kills you."

"Well he couldn't turn me in. I'm not practising magic in HIS kingdom. I'm doing it in Cenred's. Even if he does decide that I'm evil or something I couldn't have just left him in the forest! He would have died."

"I know Merlin. I know. I'm just worried about your safety. I don't want to lose you..."

"You won't. I promise."

That's when I accidentally stumbled through the door. Both Merlin and his
mother stared at me awkwardly. "Umm...Good morning?" I managed to say. I mentally kicked myself.

"Good morning Arthur. How are you feeling?" Merlin's mother asked with a sweet voice.

"Oh um I'm fine...Merlin could I talk to you in private?"

I could see him stiffen. He seemed nervous. "Alright. Come on then."

He led me back to his room. He shut the door behind us and I turned to look at him. He was shaking with nervousness. I wondered why he was so afraid. After all he was a lot stronger then me.

"You have magic," I stated bluntly, getting straight to the point.

He nods quietly.

"Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

"Because you're a Pendragon. You would have killed me."


I wanted to tell him that I wouldn't have but I knew he was right. I WOULD have killed him. I looked down at my feet. What do I do? He didn't seem evil. He was far from what my father told me sorcerers were like. Actually he was the exact opposite. He was kind. He didn't use magic to harm people, unless it was absolutely necessary. Even those bandits were simply knocked unconscious.

I thought carefully about what to say next. Merlin was my friend. What sort of friend would I be if I just killed him? I would be no better then the sorcerers my father spoke about. The ones who killed without reason. Merlin wasn't an evil sorcerer. My father was wrong. Not all people with magic are corrupt.

"Thank you Merlin."

He looked at me, stunned.

"Thank you for saving my life..."

He smiled at me. "All in a day's work dollophead."

I smiled back.

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