Chapter 6 - Ealdor

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Merlin's POV

I was overjoyed. Arthur accepted me. He didn't decide to kill me. Maybe not ALL the Pendragons were bad. I ran up and hugged Arthur. I was happy that he we could still be friends. He was one of the few people who wasn't afraid of me.

I let go to see Arthur with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Please don't hug me again."

I laughed. I led Arthur back down to the kitchen to grab him some food. We talked for awhile. Soon we went to bed. It was the greatest nights rest I had in awhile.


I was showing Arthur around Ealdor. He seemed fascinated of every little thing. I guess that's the difference between a peasant and a prince. I would point at my favourite places or the best spots to buy the most delicious food. I introduced Arthur to Will as well. My only other real friend.

We walked around for awhile longer. Arthur seemed to finally notice the dirty looks of the rest of the villagers.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" He asked, curious.

"They...umm don't like outsiders," I lied, of course. I was the one they didn't like.

"Don't lie Merlin. You're terrible at it."

He was getting sharp. I was about to respond when a rotten tomato hit the back of my head.

"You should have just stayed away monster!" Shouted the man who had thrown the tomato.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Arthur begin to storm towards the man. He had his hand gripped around the hilt of his sword. I quickly pulled him back and dragged him into the forest around the outskirts of the village.

I stopped near a small river. I bent down to get a drink before turning back to face Arthur. He was furious.

"Why did you stop me?" He asked, almost yelling the question.

"You would have just caused a scene."

"They threw rotten fruit at you and called you a monster! You don't want to get them back?"

"I know what they did."

"Then why do you seem like you don't care?"

"Because it's been like this my whole life. Will's the only friend I ever had before you. I guess...I guess I've just gotten use to it."

"You can't just let them treat you like that. You have to fight back or they'll never stop!"

"And all that will do is prove that they were right! That I AM a monster."

Arthur finally shut his mouth at that. He sighs and sits down on a rock.

"I'm sorry." He says, breaking the silence.

"It's fine."

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