Chapter 4 - Magic

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Merlin's POV

I finally managed to drift back into reality. I turned to look at Arthur. He was asleep on his bed. At least he wasn't hurt. I attempted to sit up but was immediately greeted with a sudden jolt of pain that shot though my whole body. I groaned and collapsed back onto the ground.

"Merlin?" I heard Arthur's voice. I must have woken him.

I saw him make his way towards me. Concern evident in his eyes. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Never better," I joke, giving him a small smile.

He smiles back. "Merlin, I have a plan to get us out."

I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.

Arthur went on to explain the plan to me. Surprisingly, he was smarter then be looked. It wasn't a bad plan at all. Whether or not it would work I had no clue but it was the best, and only, plan we had. I nodded my head to tell him that I agreed to the idea.

"Alright then. I suggest you rest up for as long as you can. You're not in the greatest shape," he says, a little worry in his voice.

"Alright." I close my eyes and drift off into sleep once again.



I jolted awake. There was a bandit standing in front of my cell. The bandit dragged me out, making sure my manacles were still attached to my wrists in the process. I saw Arthur being pulled out of his cell as well, though he was thrashing about trying to shake the mans arm off. I was pulled to my feet. The man shoved me forward towards the door. Thankfully, my body was hurting less. I silently followed the bandits.

We were pulled outside to the front of the castle. It was warm, at least we didn't have to trek through the forest in the cold. White, fluffy clouds dotted the blue sky. It was a beautiful day, or it would have been if we weren't the prisoners of a bunch of bandits. The Chief rode on a horse in front of the wagon, which was most likely filled with other loot. He sneered at us as we appeared. He made a gesture with his hand. Arthur and I's hands were bound to the back of the cart with a line of rope. My wrists were still bound with the shackles while Arthur's with rope. It seemed the plan should go smoothly.

The Chief shouted at the men to move. We lurched forward, forcing to walk behind the wagon. This was going to be a long day.


Arthur's POV

We walked for hours. I waited patiently for the perfect opportunity when the bandits weren't paying us any attention. I held a slim dagger in my hands. It was one that I had stolen from the man who dragged me out of the cell. The ropes binding my wrists had long ago been sawed apart but I made sure no one would notice. I glanced at Merlin. He was starting to get tired. I needed to act fast.

After another couple of minutes. I saw my chance. The Chief was distracted. He was yelling at one of the bandits while the others watched in slight amusement. I nudged Merlin, letting him know to get ready. He nodded as I swiftly cut the rope that connected Merlin's shackles to the wagon. I jumped the bandit that walked behind us, stealing his sword in the process. I grabbed Merlin's arm and pull him into the trees. By then the other bandits noticed what had happened. Immediately the Chief shouts for his men to go after us.

I dash nonstop as quickly as possible, dragging Merlin behind me who was stumbling over every little branch. I could tell he was tired and needed a rest but I couldn't risk stopping now.

We ran for another couple minutes. When we could no longer hear the loud cries of the bandits. We finally stopped under a ridge. I picked the cuffs that still bound my friends wrists with the dagger. It clattered to the ground. He rubbed his bruised wrists. He signed in relief when they finally came off. We sat quietly, trying to catch our breath. I looked toward Merlin who seemed about to faint.

"You know you run quiet fast," I attempted some small talk to calm our nerves.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself, though I bet I could beat you in a race when I'm at full health," he laughed. It was nice to hear him so cheerful again.

"Oh really Merlin? Then how about a race when you are a 'full health'."

"Don't be disappointed when you lose to a peasant."

We both laughed. It was fun to talk to him.

We sat under the ridge for a few more minutes. That's when we heard the bandits. We peeked over the ridge to see them making their way over slowly. I gestured to Merlin, signalling to him which direction to run in. He nodded and we sprinted once again into the woods. The men shouted and followed after us.

We picked up speed as we ran through the forest. I didn't recognize where we were but I would worry about that later. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side. I collapsed to the ground, gripping my side. Merlin stumbled to a halt beside me.

"Arthur!", he shouted with concern, "are you alright?"

I groaned in pain. I glanced down at my side. It was covered in blood. I attempted to get to my feet. There was no way I could keep going. I turned to look behind us. The bandits were gaining. I could see the look of victory in their eyes.

"Go Merlin. I'll be fine."

"No. Not without you."




I saw his gaze harden. "No. I won't let that happen."

I saw him stand and turn to face the men coming at us. He raised his hand in the air, his palm faced the men who were charging full speed toward us. There was not a single shred of fear in his eyes. He was indeed one of the bravest people I had ever met.

The next thing that happened was something I would have never expected. Merlin chanted in a foreign language. One I immediately recognized as the language of the Old Religion. His eyes flashed gold. The bandits were thrown off their feet, all flying in different directions. Most fell unconscious. Once again Merlin chanted another incantation. A wall of fire erupted around the men, blocking any further advances on us for awhile. The rest of the bandits began to flee. Merlin let his arm drop back down. He breathed our a ragged breath. He turned to look at me hesitantly. I could see fear in his eyes as he looked at me.

I didn't know what to say. No words formed in my mouth as I stared at my friend. Merlin had magic. He was a sorcerer.

I blacked out.

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