Chapter 7 - Till the Day we Meet Again

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Arthur's POV

I start to feel guilty. If it weren't for my father enforcing the ban on magic, Merlin wouldn't be treated so badly. Even if this was Cenred's Kingdom my father still had influence.

We walk around the forest for awhile. I was grateful that Merlin had managed to strike up a conversation. It helps keep my mind off of things. After a couple of hours of simply talking and goofing around I heard the sound of horse hooves behind me.

We whirl around at the noise, fearing that the bandits were back. Instead, I spot multiple bright red capes with a golden dragon crest stitched into it. Of course I recognize the capes. These were Camelot Knights.

I see my father riding at the front of the group. I see relief flood his eyes when he sees me but immediately harden when Merlin enters his line of sight.

The group rides up to us and steadily come to a halt. My father dismounts his horse and grabs my arm. He pulls me behind him and draws his sword from his belt, pointing it a Merlin.

"Who are you? Declare yourself!" My father shouts. I attempt to pull his arm back but he shakes me off.

Merlin holds his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "I'm Merlin. Umm...your highness."

"Why are you with my son?"

"He's my friend. He helped me escape from the bandits that captured us."

My father glares at him before turning back to me. "You risked your life to save a peasant? And you befriended him as well?"

"Yes and what is wrong with that?" I question him rather angrily.

"You are a prince Arthur! You do not have time for silly games."

"Father, he is my friend! He also saved my life!"

"How could he have saved your life? A skinny boy like that?"

I hesitate before responding. I couldn't tell father that Merlin had magic. "He helped me heal when I was injured."

My father sneers in Merlin's direction. "Fine."

He sheathes his sword and walks back to his horse. "Let's go Arthur. We are heading back to Camelot."

"Could I have a moment to say goodbye?"

He seemed reluctant but finally gave in. Him and the rest of the Knights head off into the forest to give us some privacy.

I turn to Merlin. "So I guess this is goodbye." I say quietly. I didn't want to say goodbye. We were finally getting along and I knew I would miss him.

"I guess it is," he says sadly. He looks down at his boots. I can see some tears in his eyes. I feel a pang of guilt. I'm one of the only friends he ever had and now I had to leave. He would have to go back and face all those people alone.

"Don't feel sad," I smile at him in an attempt to cheer him up, "I know we'll be able to meet again one day. so just keep at it until then."

Merlin sniffles and wipes a tear away with his sleeve. "Alright," he smiles as well, "you better be a great king when I see you again."

"And you better learn to eat more before I see you again dollophead." I laugh and ruffle his hair. "Goodbye you idiot."

"Goodbye clotpole."

I wave to him goodbye and turn to follow after my father. I look back and see Merlin waving as well. His goofy smile stuck on his face.

Before I walk far I remember something. I run back towards Merlin and pulled a piece of blue cloth from my pocket. It was a blue neckerchief.

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