Chapter 2 - The Boy With The Red Neckerchief

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Merlin's POV

I sat silently in the cell. It was lonely in here. I wanted to see my mother. I wanted to see Will. I would even be happy to see the other villagers in Ealdor again, though they didn't exactly like me. I had been here for a few days now and I was beginning to worry about my mother. She must be panicking. I've never been gone this long without telling her.

A loud creak disturbed my thoughts. The door to the dungeon opened and the bandits appeared. I shuffled backwards into the cell, huddling against the corner in order to hide in the shadows. The bandits didn't come for me though. Instead they opened the cell next to me, throwing in another boy that I just noticed had been thrashing about in the bandits arms. The boy landed face first into the stone floor. I muffled a laugh that threatened to escape my lips. He looked like a puppy that just got kicked by its master.

The boy stood up and started pacing the cell. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes like mine. He was wearing a red tunic and black trousers as well as a belt to hold everything in place. He seemed to examine his surroundings. He looked towards my cell. I thought he had noticed me but if he did he must have chosen to ignore me. It didn't matter anyways. I disliked nobles and this boy practically radiated nobility. I saw him head for the bed. I let out a small snicker when I replayed his face plant in my mind. He must have heard because he suddenly leaped from his bed. I saw his hand reach for something at his belt only to grab nothing. I laughed again. I hadn't seen another person for so long I found almost everything he did hilarious.

The boy stalked towards me. He must have seen me shuffling in the corner. I decided to speak up. I had been locked in a cell for so long that I would talk to anyone, nobility or not.

"You're such a clotpole," I snickered at the boy, attempting to irritate him.

"Declare yourself," he responded. Definitely a noble alright. Only nobles spoke like that.

I chuckled again. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. You looked so funny, falling on your face like that. Your had the expression of a kicked puppy."

"What? How dare you! I am the Prince of Camelot and I demand your name."

Ooo so he was royalty. Even worse then nobles. I laugh again, moving out of the shadows. "I'm Merlin. Pleasure to meet you, your royal pratness."


Arthur's POV

I was furious. The nerve of this boy, Merlin, to call me a prat, and a clotpole! What even WAS a clotpole?

I glared daggers at him. He was younger then me by the looks of it. He must have been about fifteen to sixteen summers. He wore a blue tunic, a pair of black trousers, a belt and a red neckerchief to top it off. He had short black hair, with large ears perking out the sides. His eyes were a deep blue that matched mine. A goofy smile was plastered to his face as if the fact that we were locked in a cell by bandits did not faze him in the least.

I was prepared to shout out him when the shackles attached to his wrists caught my attention. The manacles cut into them, causing it to bruise and bleed. The shackles were hooked to the wall behind him, preventing him from moving very far. I could faintly make out strange markings on the cuffs but thought nothing of it, assuming they were simply worn out.

I looked down at my own wrists. They had not been chained to the wall, nothing to lock them together. My mind started racing. What was so dangerous about this lanky boy that had them chain him to a wall? Was he THAT dangerous? I could beat him in one blow. I couldn't see what was so dangerous about him.

My thoughts were interrupted by Merlin's carefree voice, "So what's your name?"

"Arthur," I responded, "Arthur Pendragon."

I saw him stiffen at that. He seemed...afraid. Why? I haven't done anything to him. At least not that I know of. The fear cleared from his eyes as quick as it appeared. The goofy grin returned to his face. "That's a nice name."

"Umm...alright. Why are you here?"

"I'm not sure...Why are YOU here?"

I could tell it was a lie. He knew full well why he was here. I didn't pressure him though. He could tell me whenever he was ready. "Most likely because I am the Prince of Camelot. Perhaps they want a ransom."

"Must be hard. Being a Prince and all."

I sat down by the bars that separated our cells. "It can be. My father expects a lot from me. I love him, but... sometimes I wish he wasn't so strict. He hardly seems like a father most of the time." I didn't know why I was telling him this. I never told this to anyone else before. He just seemed to be someone I could trust.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault that he doesn't care for me. If it weren't for magic killing my mother, he wouldn't be like this." I see Merlin flinch again. Maybe he's lost someone from magic as well.

Merlin attempts to shuffle closer towards me. The shackles on his wrists prevent him from getting very close. He could just barely reach the bars. He looks me in the eye before he speaks again. "Arthur. I'm sure your father cares for you. People have different ways of showing affection. This could be his. Besides you should be happy with what you have. Some people don't even have a father..." His voice trails off. I notice he begins picking at the stone floor dejectedly. Immediately, I feel guilty. Merlin didn't have a father... yet here I was complaining to him about my own.

Silence filled the cells. Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to speak again. "So...Merlin, where are you from?"

I see him perk up at the question. "Ealdor. It's a small village in Cenred's Kingdom," he smiles happily, thinking of the memory of his home.

"Sounds like a beautiful place."

"It is..." he begins to tell me about his home.


We spent the rest of the night telling stories. I told him about my life in Camelot while he told me of his in Ealdor. It was relaxing to speak with him. He didn't treat me like a prince but like I was just another friend. Though I didn't show it, I was glad to not be seen as a prince for once.

It wasn't easy for a me to find friends. I had friends but they were always...distant. They chose their words carefully, not wanting to offend me. They did whatever I said because they were afraid of what would happen if they didn't. I hated it. Merlin was different. He didn't care that I was a prince, he spoke to me like any other person. He doesn't agree with everything I say and says whatever comes to mind. He was the friend I had always wanted.


We didn't even realize when morning arrived. That's when the bandits appeared once again. I straightened as they appeared. I glared at them hoping they would die from my stare. I was prepared for what they were planning for me. I wasn't afraid.

What I wasn't prepared for was the bandits heading into Merlin's cell. I launched to my feet when his cells doors opened. I grabbed the bars of my cell. My knuckles whitening. They pulled Merlin roughly to his feet, unhooked the manacles from the walls and proceeded to drag him from his cell. He thrashed about in their grip, struggling to break free of their grasp.

"Let him go!" I hissed at the men. I was furious. I wasn't going to let these bandits hurt my new friend.

"Don't worry you'll get your turn," they sneered and laughed as Merlin was dragged from the dungeon.

"I'll be fine Arthur. Don't worry about me," he flashed one of his happy grins. I didn't understand how he could keep smiling. Especially with the situation he was in.

"MERLIN!" I shouted after him.

The doors to the dungeon slammed shut with a loud bang. I fell to my knees. I had finally made the friend I always hoped for...and for all I knew I would lose him in the very same day.


A/N - Whoa two chapters in a single day!! I'm using this as an excuse to procrastinate too much. 😅

Hope to guys like the story so far!!!

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