Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Harry Styles

Peace. She looks at peace. But not the kind of peace you feel when everything turns right, the slight peace you find when the sun just turned that warm colour of orange, when the streets are silent and the only light around is the dim glow of the moon, everything's just.. quiet.

Your brain is just dull and you forget about the worries piling up.

The feeling when you first wake up in a morning of a hectic day and forget about the mountain of stress that's kept you up the night before, but then there's always the issue, the comedown when it all hits you. And that's the worst part of peace, it hits you like a pile of a thousand holy bricks, peace and war shake hands.

And it's just... Iris,

I'm not stupid, I could place the slight furrow in her brows, the lack of colour and glisten in her eyes, the way her cheeks paled when she saw me...

It stung, only slightly, but it still stung, a slight ache at best...

And with cars beeping, people screaming at the cars beside them to move, that's all I'm thinking about. The way that Iris looked at me at that minute, I know I haven't been the best...whatever we are in the past few days but it felt like everything we worked towards in accepting each other's presence just dissipated.

What have I done again?

The passenger seat has been taken up by all of Iris, her feet slung onto the dash, her head leaning on the window beside her. A ray of golden light shining onto her expressionless face, without thinking I lean over to grab the sun visor pulling it down until her face is shadowed by the blinding light doing the same for myself as I stare into the unmoving traffic.

I let out a sigh turning my head towards the backseats where Vivi and mum are cuddled up against each other making a slight smile curl up onto my lips. I turn my head back when my eyes catch on Iris's painted nails,


Rings adorning her tanned thin hands, the hand closest to my side partially facing up and for some reason my brain urges me to grab it, just reach over and dance my fingers over her palm.

I can practically feel the heat radiating off it,

I snap back into reality when a car honks at me, the line of traffic moving in front of me at a faster pace. I fidget sitting up straighter in my seat, shaking my thoughts of anything that definitely shouldn't be there. My eyes quickly sneaked a glance at Iris and how the sunlight had snuck its way back onto her lips and blushed through her pale cheeks.

Little puffs of air leaving her plump, rose lips making strands of her hair repeatedly get blown from her fac-

Another beep snaps me back again, changing the gear before pressing my foot down onto the pedal a little too hard so it sort of stalls the car, just wait until another article comes out,

Harry Styles injures family and girlfriend in LA car accident

Hopefully, that'll never be one I'll have to see, to conclude I need to stop looking at Iris, just... yeah never again.


Three hours, three whole hours it took for us to get from LAX to our hotel, if Niall ever asks for anything again I'll throw him in a meat grinder. And I'm deadly serious.

In the last half an hour Iris woke up, luckily mum and Vivi didn't, I'm not sure how Viv wasn't buzzing around the car the whole ride back due to the amount of milkshake she consumed before.

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